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I wouldn’t call them nationalists. If they are, they would have called for the ouster of American troops in Japan. They are excellent lapdogs.
Remember to the Japanese(they have said it themselves)-it was the USA that defeated them NOT China ...so like the 5Eyes only a good beating that kills them will make them bow in respect-nothing else-DF31-AG style.BTW if the ICBM test had failed like the 4/5 Sarmat ICBM failures-it would very much embolden ,the West and Nippon and even craven degenerate India would be slavering to pressure and attack.And the ICBM failure would be ALL over the internet-3 thumbs up PLARF!!!
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If Israel genocides the Lebanese, then that's a loss for Iran. But if it's just war or even an occupation of south Lebanon like in the past, then Hezbollah will never run out of fighters as more and more people get recruited. While they're engaging Israel in a ruinous fight, they're exactly fulfilling their purpose of shielding Iran. Jihadi fighters are not like soldiers that are difficult to replace if lost. The more civilians you kill, the more jihadis you get (unless you fully genocide the population). So from Iran's point of view, Hezbollah fighters are expendable, as long as Hezbollah survives as an organisation

As for Hamas, they're not exactly an Iranian asset in the same way, but they work together occasionally. Even if all of Gaza is genocided, Iran would have gained from the war. By preventing Sunni Arabs from normalising with Israel, it's now possible for them to normalise with Iran. Trading Hamas for Saudi Arabia is a profitable trade.
Oh my god, what kind of mental gymnastics are you 2 doing here trying to pretend that Iran is in charge in Israel is getting beaten? It's really not that complicated to see if you don't force yourself to see what you want to see.

How many Iraelis died? How many anti-Israelis died? How much land did Israel control before 10/7? How much land does it control today/is it expected to control at the end of this?

Answers: Way more anti-Israelis died than Israelis. Israel controls more land today that it did at the beginning of the conflict and before it's over, they will seize more land than they have now. That is the most unbiased way to see who is coming out on top of this conflict and I am definitely NOT saying this because it pleases me.