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The US threw in Russia to make it look like they weren't singling out China. Cuz where are Russian EVs to have software that's a threat to the US?
That the US is actively controlling for this risk indicates that it is probably already doing it towards other nations (e.g. US intelligence agencies have been building in "spy components" and "kill switches" into exported automobiles for decades).

Any way, the same logic could be used for any electronics device, so the US is effectively forcing a de-coupling of supply chains, in an attempt to isolate China. This was always going to be the inevitable end result of the US economic war and attempt at reindustrialization.

The question is what is China going to do about it. Aside from the usual "sell more to the Global South" and "ban more US products," there has to be an effort to improve internal markets. Self-sufficiency cannot just be on the production side; it also has to be on the consumption side. An export-based economy like South Korea has no choice but to kneel to its largest customers. China should strive to be the largest customer, as well, and that means both improving Chinese consumption and improving Chinese demographics.


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Hindutva groups in the US are making false claims of widespread Hinduphobia, in an attempt to ‘compete’ with Islamophobia and antisemitism.​

The narratives of victimhood being propagated by Hindutva supporters in the US are remarkably similar to those of White supremacists. In both cases, privileged groups are attempting to portray themselves as the real victims. In addition, Hindutva supporters see Zionists as useful allies in their effort to draw parallels between antisemitism and “Hinduphobia.”

These overlapping interests are being leveraged quite effectively by Hindu supremacists to push their agenda in the US in favor both of Hindu elites and the Narendra Modi government.
In order to justify the claim of rampant Hinduphobia, organisations such as the Hindu American Foundation are now casting a much wider net by redefining “Hinduphobia” itself, contrary to the commonly understood definition of a
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They have prepared a
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of terms that they claim are “Hinduphobic,” which includes terms like Brahmanism, dual loyalty, exotic, model minority, Hindu fatalism, Hindutvadi, bhakt and savarna.
In their quest to assert themselves in the US, Hindutva groups have increasingly been looking to partner with White supremacists. Unlike White supremacists, Hindutva groups already draw considerable power from the frameworks of minority rights in the US and multiculturalism born out of the civil rights struggle. But the similarities in their “self-victimisation” strategies and their invocation of the right to defend themselves against fictional attacks on their culture lend themselves to a natural partnership.

One such partnership is led by the
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, founded by the Hindu billionaire and Trump supporter Shalab Kumar, and chaired by Steve Bannon, the former advisor of Donald Trump. One of their major goals is to build a “Hindu Holocaust Memorial” in Washington DC, a plan that
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I don't recall a Chinese Holocaust Memorial in Washington DC, though tbf I doubt the Jews will allow the Hindus to associate with the Holocaust terminology.

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Madhya Pradesh: BJP worker accused of sexually assaulting 7-year-old girl Union minister and local MP Virendra Kumar had on September 10 named Tiwari (accused) as his 'sansad pratinidhi' (local MP's representative) for a government school.


Lieutenant General
That the US is actively controlling for this risk indicates that it is probably already doing it towards other nations (e.g. US intelligence agencies have been building in "spy components" and "kill switches" into exported automobiles for decades).

Any way, the same logic could be used for any electronics device, so the US is effectively forcing a de-coupling of supply chains, in an attempt to isolate China. This was always going to be the inevitable end result of the US economic war and attempt at reindustrialization.

The question is what is China going to do about it. Aside from the usual "sell more to the Global South" and "ban more US products," there has to be an effort to improve internal markets. Self-sufficiency cannot just be on the production side; it also has to be on the consumption side. An export-based economy like South Korea has no choice but to kneel to its largest customers. China should strive to be the largest customer, as well, and that means both improving Chinese consumption and improving Chinese demographics.
The US said they weren't singling out China. Why bother and just admit that's what the US is doing? It's because China can do the big hurt on the US if it wanted. All the West is living beyond their means. That's why the US worries about Chinese influence in the Global South. If the West had the money, they could just outspend China in influence. But they don't because they can't. China can make it worse for the US. Why do they whine about US businesses not making money in China? It's because major US corporations are faltering from hi-tech having lay-off tens of thousands of workers to US auto companies to farmers not being able to sell their products. All of them not making money because of the US slitting their own throats to China choosing to buy elsewhere. That's why the spin that US businesses are going to get mad if China doesn't allow them to make money. What the difference between the two countries. China doesn't like chaos and instability hence why they don't make big moves so quickly. The US will cause chaos and instability to show fake bravado hoping to scare China into submission.


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They can't have both historical legitimacy and remain Hindu, basically. South India wasn't part of the Mughal Empire or Gupta Empire.

If they want historical legitimacy then they have to give South India independence since it was never connected to North India.

If they want to be Hindu then they have to give up Mughal claims and claim legitimacy from British imperialist, losing their historical legitimacy.
People forget 'India' is a modern construct of post colonialism and mostly appropriation of history. There was never any ' Hindu Akhand Bharat' historically. Subcontinent always had multiple political entities throughout its history. The closest it came to being a singular state was under Emperor Aurangzeb, a Muslim, the most hated Emperor by BJP, oh the irony of it all. Just shows you theyre a bunch of clowns. Much of the Subcontinent civilisation origin points are also in Pakistan, not India.

Anyway, India is in favor today not because of its own doing but because China has risen and west thinks they can make a Japan out of India that will sacrifice itself on the altar for sake of Taiwan. India will do no such thing, they'll straddle in the middle. Its in their best geopolitical interest to sit out of any hot conflict between US+allies vs China, making them relatively stronger while rest the parties in conflict are forced to spend trillions on a war.

They'll milk this opportunity as much as they can, because...why not!


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They can't have both historical legitimacy and remain Hindu, basically. South India wasn't part of the Mughal Empire or Gupta Empire.

If they want historical legitimacy then they have to give South India independence since it was never connected to North India.

If they want to be Hindu then they have to give up Mughal claims and claim legitimacy from British imperialist, losing their historical legitimacy.
They could also just ignore this and make shit up. Jai Bharat! Jai Hind! From Iraq to Indonesia! All of Bharat will be unified once more!


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It'll be a while before India will be able to manufacture chips of any sophistication, but I also find the constant belittling of its efforts foolish. There was a time when the West thought the same of the rest of the world ("only the white man is truly intelligent"); and there was a time when the Japanese and the Koreans thought the same of China ("Chinese can never compete with superior Northeast Asians"). In the end, they were all proven wrong.

India certainly brags more than it delivers, but given enough time and money, I'm sure it can do be successful, as well. Maybe it's because I'm older, but for most of the last 20 years, China was subject to this exact same kind of ridicule from mainstream media and public forums, with equally "compelling" evidence questioning everything from Chinese politics, to Chinese culture, to Chinese genetics, to the food Chinese people eat. Yet look at where we are today.
I never understood the thought, China did it so India can do it.

Like what justification is there? Because they are big? Brazil has over 200m people not far off from USA. The philippines has over 100m people bigger than Europe. Are they the same as their western counterparts? India is in Asia? so is Israel and a lot of other unrelated countries. I wonder if some Indian is going to say to Israel phull support saar as we are both asians so your women are compatible with us. Damn with support like that I bet Israel would be glad to be hated by everyone rather than to have one sole ally which is India.

There's not much connection with China and India. They will try to claim buddhism founded by a Nepali but notice they never ask why Hinduism never spread to China instead nor ask why Buddhism could only succeed outside India and even that form had to be changed significantly. It doesn't help Nepalis don't like India at the moment showing it really is separate from them. Btw China has always been a Confucius country first and Buddhism was only used as a mean to justify rule seeing how the emperors dump it quickly when they realized it didn't benefit them. You know whats an actual Buddhist country? Mongolia. Yet if some Jai Hind tries saying he is connected to Mongolia coz of Buddhism, not even he deep down can believe it. After all the descendants of Mongolia who went to India and made them their biatch, established the Taj Mahal and made Brahmins sell their daughters to the ruling class for favours (shows what sort of people these guys are).

India will disappoint both optimists and pessimists alike. It will not live up to its hype but it will not be a complete failure either. It will be middle of the road. For that reason, I say China exercise caution dealing with India. Not putting all its resources fighting it but enough so if India starts shit, China will cut off its arm and take it back as a reward since Indians only understand force at the end of the day. One thing that India does have that isn't middle of the road is bad intentions. As shown in that Bald videos, notice how Indians are all eerily staring at you waiting to scam or screw you over? Thats how India acts as a country, ambitious waiting to screw you over in a rat like way. So be on guard against them and put a permanent scar on them every time they try and fail to screw you over so they will be forced to remember it.
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Madhya Pradesh: BJP worker accused of sexually assaulting 7-year-old girl Union minister and local MP Virendra Kumar had on September 10 named Tiwari (accused) as his 'sansad pratinidhi' (local MP's representative) for a government school.
We might need #LondonHourlyRape. The Brits perhaps do not want to be out performed by its former colony:
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According to BBC on Sept 20, Police in London, UK received more than 8800 reported cases of rape in 2023. That is 24 cases every day in average. It is believed that the actual number could be even higher because rape victims are less willing to report the crime.



Grumpy Old Man
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Moderator - World Affairs
The question is what is China going to do about it. Aside from the usual "sell more to the Global South" and "ban more US products," there has to be an effort to improve internal markets. Self-sufficiency cannot just be on the production side; it also has to be on the consumption side. An export-based economy like South Korea has no choice but to kneel to its largest customers. China should strive to be the largest customer, as well, and that means both improving Chinese consumption and improving Chinese demographics.
China is called the factory of the world for a reason. She will always produce much more than her population can absorb. There is only so much fridges, washing machines, cellphones Chinese can buy. China must squeeze out Western products in the developing countries.