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and there was a time when the Japanese and the Koreans thought the same of China
The key distinguisher is that China has a history of a few millennia of being the most powerful centralized state in the world, and India only has a few hundred years of sporadic unity under various foreign conquerors over the same period of time.
Of course, if India were to get itself together it could be poised for a meteoric rise. Unfortunately, India doesn't seem to want to get itself together, and it doesn't have any real historical predecessor state to look to as an example for unification and achievement (except for those goofy maps of 'Bharat').
Imagine the Warring States are never unified, and Southern China fractures into some kind of strange feudal system, the Central Asians conquer bits and pieces of Northern China, and then the British show up and take it all over the course of a century. Then, this alternate China gains independence. This alternate China is roughly similar to what India is now. I wouldn't hold high hopes for this alternate China, and I don't hold high hopes for India.

Right now, India is full of bluster, with absolutely zero performance, historical or otherwise, to show that they are capable of achieving what they claim they will achieve "in the near future".


Registered Member
It'll be a while before India will be able to manufacture chips of any sophistication, but I also find the constant belittling of its efforts foolish. There was a time when the West thought the same of the rest of the world ("only the white man is truly intelligent"); and there was a time when the Japanese and the Koreans thought the same of China ("Chinese can never compete with superior Northeast Asians"). In the end, they were all proven wrong.

India certainly brags more than it delivers, but given enough time and money, I'm sure it can do be successful, as well. Maybe it's because I'm older, but for most of the last 20 years, China was subject to this exact same kind of ridicule from mainstream media and public forums, with equally "compelling" evidence questioning everything from Chinese politics, to Chinese culture, to Chinese genetics, to the food Chinese people eat. Yet look at where we are today.
Then you just don't know the Indians enough. They are just not the same as the Chinese! There was a time when I was just like you. I had once gave India some respect as the next "great" nation to rise from poverty like China. But the more I learned about India, the more disgusted I have become of that nation. India is not an innocent a nation, and it wants to rise for not innocent reasons. That nation is being run by loincloth imperialists, and they want that power to pursue their imperial ambitions in Asia.

In terms of struggle, racism, or being looked downed upon, Indians have gone through nothing like what the Chinese have been. The Indians have been hyped to be superior to the Chinese by the white men from 1947 till this day. The Indians themselves also think that their race is superior to the Chinese in every way. The Indians since independence had a much better start than China. They had inherited British infrastructure, technology, military equipment, military training, and can regularly study in British schools. India gave China no respect, laying claims to Xizang to this day, and even tried to take Chinese lands by force. They have been talking a lot about taking power and destroying China with it. I believe what they say, because it is their nature to step on others.

I don't believe that with enough money and time, that India will ever be as successful as Vietnam. Forget about China. They had a better head start over China since 1947, and what did they do with that time? Howabout money? Westerners and Easterners have poured billions into India, and then came out with little to show for. Yeah India is very good at asking for money, but what they do with that money is a whole other matter. If you've never heard about Indian scams, learn it now.
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Junior Member
Registered Member
In terms of struggle, racism, or being looked downed upon, Indians have gone through nothing like what the Chinese have been. The Indians have been hyped to be superior to the Chinese by the white men from 1947 till this day. The Indians themselves also think that their race is superior to the Chinese in every way. The Indians since independence had a much better start than China, and they gave China no respect, laying claims to Xizang to this day, and even tried to take Chinese lands by force. They have been talking a lot about taking power and destroying China with it. I believe what they say, because it is their nature to step on others.
The problem (I believe) is that India was not unified before being conquered by the British.

Unlike China, who suffered foreign humiliation as a unified nation, and maintained a core national identity (as in, almost everybody agreed that someone was going to end up in charge of the whole place) even throughout periods of disarray, India did not suffer foreign humiliation as a unified nation.
I think the effect of this difference is quite noticeable. The mindset of the individual Chinese is more to that of revenge, where many remember the humiliation of the country as a whole and rally to achieve an ideal where China is no longer at the mercy of foreign powers.
On the other hand, the mindset of the individual Indian is more to that of improving only themselves, where many perceive the colonization of India as their group suffering alone, rather than as a whole. In this case, Indians seek to drag only themselves out of the muck instead of together dragging their entire nation with them.


Lieutenant General
Yes! Please make it happen!
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Indian-made chips in American products. Wonderful! Don't care if it's the silicon type, or the cow dung type, or whatever. Please put Indian chips into American devices. It can only mean good things for this world. Jai Hind!

America, you must buy Indian chips! Modi had promised his 1.4bil countrymen that you'll do it. Just do it!

Wait. So you've only just laid the foundation stone for the first semi-conductor plants in India? You guys have not started producing India's world-beating semi-conductors yet? Still you are promising that India's chips will take Supapowar India to new heights? You do know that China's SMIC already has massive fabs in place producing 7nm-tiered chips today? But let's ignore China yeah! Bharat is always #1 in everything, excluding China! Jai Hind!

OMG! OMG! OMG! India is more impressive than America! India is truly Supapowar #1! Jai Hind!

Of course! India is leading the world in green transition! India does not burn fossil fuels to grow its economy. No way! India soo... clean. The world must trust the words of our great Vishwaguru, Narendra Modi!

After America switches to Indian chips, the Pentagon has trouble working out if it’s under cyber attack or not since crashes and glitches have become so routine.

Physical inspection teams are down en mass due to E Coli outbreaks after opening up devices to check for tampering. So now it needs to decide also if it’s under biological weapons attack.

Meaning phone lines are jammed with scam calls from its own tech support number.


Junior Member
After America switches to Indian chips, the Pentagon has trouble working out if it’s under cyber attack or not since crashes and glitches have become so routine.

Physical inspection teams are down en mass due to E Coli outbreaks after opening up devices to check for tampering. So now it needs to decide also if it’s under biological weapons attack.

Meaning phone lines are jammed with scam calls from its own tech support number.

Offensive capabilities that PLA can only dream of.


Registered Member
The problem (I believe) is that India was not unified before being conquered by the British.

Unlike China, who suffered foreign humiliation as a unified nation, and maintained a core national identity (as in, almost everybody agreed that someone was going to end up in charge of the whole place) even throughout periods of disarray, India did not suffer foreign humiliation as a unified nation.
I think the effect of this difference is quite noticeable. The mindset of the individual Chinese is more to that of revenge, where many remember the humiliation of the country as a whole and rally to achieve an ideal where China is no longer at the mercy of foreign powers.
On the other hand, the mindset of the individual Indian is more to that of improving only themselves, where many perceive the colonization of India as their group suffering alone, rather than as a whole. In this case, Indians seek to drag only themselves out of the muck instead of together dragging their entire nation with them.
That is why we still see some of the higher caste Indians glorifying their ancestors' servitude to the British. Because their families benefited from those "good old days". That is also why India had an identity crisis after independence. What is India really? India could have called itself many things, but Nehru started the ball rolling by calling India the successor state to the British Raj. Since then, India had been obsessed about reclaiming all territories of the former British Raj. The latest iteration of this is Akhand Bharat, which also includes British Malaya. How can India be an ancient civilizational state, but lays territorial claims based on the maps of the former British Empire?

There was never an "India" prior to the British conquest of South Asia. India is a post-colonial construct, hastily left behind by the British in South Asia with the ego to consider itself the successor of its former master.


Registered Member
That is why we still see some of the higher caste Indians glorifying their ancestors' servitude to the British. Because their families benefited from those "good old days". That is also why India had an identity crisis after independence. What is India really? India could have called itself many things, but Nehru started the ball rolling by calling India the successor state to the British Raj. Since then, India had been obsessed about reclaiming all territories of the former British Raj. The latest iteration of this is Akhand Bharat, which also includes British Malaya. How can India be an ancient civilizational state, but lays territorial claims based on the maps of the former British Empire?

There was never an "India" prior to the British conquest of South Asia. India is a post-colonial construct, hastily left behind by the British in South Asia with the ego to consider itself the successor of its former master.
They can't have both historical legitimacy and remain Hindu, basically. South India wasn't part of the Mughal Empire or Gupta Empire.

If they want historical legitimacy then they have to give South India independence since it was never connected to North India.

If they want to be Hindu then they have to give up Mughal claims and claim legitimacy from British imperialist, losing their historical legitimacy.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Yes! Please make it happen!
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Indian-made chips in American products. Wonderful! Don't care if it's the silicon type, or the cow dung type, or whatever. Please put Indian chips into American devices. It can only mean good things for this world. Jai Hind!

America, you must buy Indian chips! Modi had promised his 1.4bil countrymen that you'll do it. Just do it!

Wait. So you've only just laid the foundation stone for the first semi-conductor plants in India? You guys have not started producing India's world-beating semi-conductors yet? Still you are promising that India's chips will take Supapowar India to new heights? You do know that China's SMIC already has massive fabs in place producing 7nm-tiered chips today? But let's ignore China yeah! Bharat is always #1 in everything, excluding China! Jai Hind!

OMG! OMG! OMG! India is more impressive than America! India is truly Supapowar #1! Jai Hind!

Of course! India is leading the world in green transition! India does not burn fossil fuels to grow it's economy. No way! India soo... clean. The world must trust the words of our great Vishwaguru, Narendra Modi!
Hmmm, the potato chips kind right cause I aren’t eating that garbage, never know if that has been dipped in cow piss or something. Now the actual super conductor chips is impossible, they need decades of prep time and with the kind of attention span these people have, no one here can convince me that India is capable of long term planning. Even the USA, which I don’t think deserves its hegemony and I mostly believe got it via freak chance, is more capable in that regard


Junior Member
Registered Member
It'll be a while before India will be able to manufacture chips of any sophistication, but I also find the constant belittling of its efforts foolish. There was a time when the West thought the same of the rest of the world ("only the white man is truly intelligent"); and there was a time when the Japanese and the Koreans thought the same of China ("Chinese can never compete with superior Northeast Asians"). In the end, they were all proven wrong.
There was also a time when China thought the same of the rest of the world. And their descendants had to clean up their mess, just like it will fall to the future westerners' children to clean up their mess when China is done extracting back all global power from them with interest.

The difference is that the Euro and the Qing alike were arrogant and their assertions about eachother was not based in truth, while the modern Chinese assertion over India is based on truthful observation.

After ww2, China was as devastated as Germany, but didn't even benefit from economic assistance. Even in that state, China had far surpassed India in not just technology, living standards but also national mentality. Northeast Asian superiority over western invaders was fire-proven in Korea and Vietnam. In contrast, India has never defeated even a single western army. So how can they speak of parity to the East Asian civilizations?
India certainly brags more than it delivers, but given enough time and money, I'm sure it can do be successful, as well. Maybe it's because I'm older, but for most of the last 20 years, China was subject to this exact same kind of ridicule from mainstream media and public forums, with equally "compelling" evidence questioning everything from Chinese politics, to Chinese culture, to Chinese genetics, to the food Chinese people eat. Yet look at where we are today.
The equation of money + time = guaranteed success ignores the importance of human effort. It's nihilism.

In reality, if you give the mentally challenged a British built transport, houses, guns, and then ply them with cheap dollar loans, all they will achieve is throwing it away. But a charismatic genius destined for success can be born with nothing and still win over everything with their hard work and personality.