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according to this TikToker, rumour on the web is that Chinese electronic warfare interference stopped Israel from detonating more pagers and walkie talkies, hence why Israel bombed Chinese UN peacekeepers. Israel really is cruising for a bruising, and now American soldiers will be sent to Israel to fight and die and become cripples for the Chosen People.


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according to this TikToker, rumour on the web is that Chinese electronic warfare interference stopped Israel from detonating more pagers and walkie talkies, hence why Israel bombed Chinese UN peacekeepers. Israel really is cruising for a bruising, and now American soldiers will be sent to Israel to fight and die and become cripples for the Chosen People.
At this rate Isreal wont be real for too much longer....


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US GDP growth is through oil/gas and intellectual property that make it much stronger country while Poland GDP is mere transfer payments and assembly line. India definitely has risen just by that change of attitude of Gulf Monarchies towards it.
you can see Poland still need Mi-17 and it cannot do much without EU for relatively minor flood and there is that big change for its need for global South like India.
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Join Poland’s Healthcare Team: Opportunities Await Indian Nurses and Doctors



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'My daughter would have been dead by now': When a ‘monkey attack’ in UP foiled man’s bid to rape 6-year old girl​

India is never beating the allegations.
Monkeys are more effective than police in India.

Search on Telegram is more powerful than in other messaging apps because it allows users to find public channels and bots. Unfortunately, this feature has been abused by people who violated our Terms of Service to sell illegal goods.

Over the last few weeks, a dedicated team of moderators, leveraging AI, has made Telegram Search much safer. All the problematic content we identified in Search is no longer accessible. If you still manage to find something unsafe or illegal in Telegram Search, please report it to us via @SearchReport.

To further deter criminals from abusing Telegram Search, we have updated our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, ensuring they are consistent across the world. We’ve made it clear that the IP addresses and phone numbers of those who violate our rules can be disclosed to relevant authorities in response to valid legal requests.

☝️ These measures should discourage criminals. Telegram Search is meant for finding friends and discovering news, not for promoting illegal goods. We won't let bad actors jeopardize the integrity of our platform for almost a billion users."""

Wtf, how exactly is now "searching" a criminal act? and this baffoon was bitching about China making some keywords unsearchable.... now he bent the knee and will rat out anyone who searches for the wrong terms, on phones that will probably explode at a moments notice....

The jokes just write themselves these days.... must be the LLM era we live in now.....
If it's a measure to prohibit certain channels (like Hezbollah, Resistance Network, Intel Slava, etc) from sharing live war updates, then Twitter will also be affected because as far as I've seen, nearly all the war updates on Twitter originate from Telegram.

Telegram has usually raw data with few details, while Twitter handles reposts that Telegram content with the addition of context which is sometimes false (such as in the case of those -OSINT accounts which add Israeli nonsense to Palestinian/Lebanese raw content).

China was subject to this exact same kind of ridicule from mainstream media and public forums, with equally "compelling" evidence questioning everything from Chinese politics, to Chinese culture, to Chinese genetics, to the food Chinese people eat. Yet look at where we are today.
But Chinese weren't boasting of being or becoming the best, unlike Indians. If you're boasting and proud while standing on a heap of shit, then you deserve to be ridiculed.

The problem (I believe) is that India was not unified before being conquered by the British.

Unlike China, who suffered foreign humiliation as a unified nation, and maintained a core national identity (as in, almost everybody agreed that someone was going to end up in charge of the whole place) even throughout periods of disarray, India did not suffer foreign humiliation as a unified nation.
I think the effect of this difference is quite noticeable. The mindset of the individual Chinese is more to that of revenge, where many remember the humiliation of the country as a whole and rally to achieve an ideal where China is no longer at the mercy of foreign powers.
On the other hand, the mindset of the individual Indian is more to that of improving only themselves, where many perceive the colonization of India as their group suffering alone, rather than as a whole. In this case, Indians seek to drag only themselves out of the muck instead of together dragging their entire nation with them.
1947 was the first time, in thousands of years or maybe ever, that India had a Hindu ruling class in a somewhat united India. So, they have no real experience of running such a large state as Hindus. This is also one of the reasons why foreign conquerors established themselves very easily; because the local Indians have always been shit in administration. More specifically, it is the Sanatan that is the ruling class, not other denominations, many of which refuse to be called Hindu.

Another reason why Hindus couldn't unify India is because the Hindu religious system isn't minority-friendly, which is a problem because India always had significant minority groups - Buddhists, Jains, Christians, Muslims, Sikhs, and more. That is also why Pakistan was carved out of the British Raj, because many Muslims feared the Hindus would discriminate .. and that is exactly what happens daily to those Muslims who refused to join Pakistan - communal riots, pogroms, genocides, etc.

One such ^^ Muslim state was Hyderbad State that thought they could survive without Pakistan. Less than a year later, they were annexed by India after the Indians massacred 200,000 Muslims (pales in comparison to Palestine).
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Another was the affair of Sikhs who were promised an independent country for siding with Hindus in the war against Pakistan. When the war ended, Indians told them to piss off which started the Sikh separatist movements.

Only way India can progress is if it becomes totally secular, devoid of any Hindu element or if it disintegrates into smaller states, or the third tested and proven option, be administered by a foreign / non-Hindu culture.


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As someone mentioned in this thread, we people focus too much on the lower dalits of India being the town rapists in the northern cow belt areas. Wukong and his monkey gang have to step in to defend the children.

As shocking as it is, this stuff in the grand scheme of things doesn't mean much. The rapist can only go so far before he messes with the wrong guy and gets lynched.

The real dangerous ones are the "good Indians". The ones that went to IIT or have a strong background etc and are in leading positions of power. These are the ones that make wonderful decisions such as allowing all these town rapists into other countries or outsourcing most of the F500 established companies to India resulting in a long term loss of competitive advantage. These are the guys who say all the nice words about merit etc while behind the scenes engaging in nepotism that will make Jews go...damn.

Indians aren't exactly a heads on direct fighter and are instead more like a leech that gets its way into positions of power and uses the establishment to do things. This is the real thing to watch out for.
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That the US is actively controlling for this risk indicates that it is probably already doing it towards other nations (e.g. US intelligence agencies have been building in "spy components" and "kill switches" into exported automobiles for decades).

Any way, the same logic could be used for any electronics device, so the US is effectively forcing a de-coupling of supply chains, in an attempt to isolate China. This was always going to be the inevitable end result of the US economic war and attempt at reindustrialization.

The question is what is China going to do about it. Aside from the usual "sell more to the Global South" and "ban more US products," there has to be an effort to improve internal markets. Self-sufficiency cannot just be on the production side; it also has to be on the consumption side. An export-based economy like South Korea has no choice but to kneel to its largest customers. China should strive to be the largest customer, as well, and that means both improving Chinese consumption and improving Chinese demographics.
America suffers from the fallacy of believing they matter, when infact their entire non productive economy exist only because China still find it useful to back the USD.


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