Israel is actually the perfect analogy. Despite currently commiting genocide, NATO countries are openly supporting them with lethal aid. Expect more of the same should it be Chinese on the receiving end of genocide.
quite some difference between genociding some guys people only care about as proxy puppets to fuck US and inviting war and unrestricted reprisal from another superpower.
What you're saying is like saying just because China genocided the Uyghurs and no one did anything, China could also have ethnically cleansed every NATO citizen on Chinese soil and they would also face no reprisal for it. (I know China didn't do anything illegal regarding Uyghurs, but NATO itself believes in a genocide, yet ignored it, so speaking from their perspective).
Not comparable situations in any shape or form.
I'm not seeing a desire to de-escalate from the US. If anything, all policies in effect are escalatory. Can you point out any bills since 2015 that tried to de-escalate and is still in force today?
And what meaningful damage have they ever done to China? They don't because it's uncertainty for them what will happen otherwise. Like I said, if what you say is true, there is no logical reason not for them to simply... Attack now. Or in 2015. They don't need to deescalate you claim. So can you explain what does America gain from watching the gap widen between it and China every day, while pussy footing around in Asia and occasionally abusing innocent passage rights to posture politically?
It isn't a mutual suicide pact yet, that's the point. As of now, China is decidedly at a disadvantage when it comes to a nuclear exchange.
Objectively yes, it's functionally a suicide pact. If anything China has slightly better infrastructure (EMP proofing, widespread civilian shelters) to come out of a nuclear exchange.
Sure China is at a disadvantage in the sense that more Chinese will likely die than Americans, because there aren't that many Americans to cover 1 for 1 with every Chinese. But it's not like the rest of the Western world wouldn't also be hit, for a similar level of carnage as US inflicts on China.