A private actor randomly decided to hold a light show using as many FPVs in 1 night as Ukraine has likely used throughout all of Kursk offensive...Musk is now having to backtrack and play fence sitter after his show of massive support to trump, he needs insurance in case Hyena laugh wins.
Anyone whose ever experienced working with Indians know that the culture is such that the minute an indian gets a little bit of power, they abuse it and expect you to suck up to them. Sex workers frequently hate seeing indian patrons and will actually advertise that they dont see indian clients, a friend of mine who works in the industry (which is regulated in australia) has told me many horror stories about indian clients. I shudder to think of sex workers who do work under the radar, unregistered, to say nothing of the sex workers in Thailand and south east Asia.
Force them to pay in Chinese renminbi or gold, since they evidently made such a big deal at the BRICS meeting, with the funds to be escrowed in a Chinese bank.
In fact, the more i think about India's so called demands according to Mr Yin, it doesnt make sense on a balance of trade point of view. The Indians are basically defaulting back into advocating for the US dollar as the reserve currency.
Thats what the anglos and french are for in africa; do we really need a smellier, rapey, hyper boastful version of anglos at all?
Now, imagine all 8500 of those drones with C4 attached to each of them programmed with facial recognition to target members of an enemy's military, thanks to PLA hacking of personnel databases.
This is the even larger gap between China and US not seen through gdp measurement alone.