Republicans are really sad to watch. They are based on a declining demographic that will eventually die off. They keep kvetching about China but they don't realized they cant even preserve their own party nevermind country.
The demographics R destiny is dumb (and it’s correlary - “the great replacement”) for multiple reasons.
1) Democrats win ~48% of the non-Hispanic white vote outside of the former confederacy; that going to ~45% means Republicans sweep all the northern swing states for decades given that even youth cohorts in places like Wisconsin are 80% nonhispanic white (for illustrations of how white voters hold ultimate veto cards over minority voters, see for example, Ohio’s shift to the right in 2016/2020 over the objections of black voters in Cleveland/Columbus/Cincinnati or California’s shift to the left in 2016/2020 over the objections of Hispanic and Asian voters Los Angeles/SF Bay Area)
2) the mere existence of nonwhites shifts non-Hispanic whites to far more conservative policy opinions.
3) Hispanic voter preferences are quite heterogenous and have quite low voter turnout. Texas is 39% nonhispanic white; Florida is 52% nonhispanic white - and both are quite republican
4) Hispanic voters being “nonwhite” sustained over many decades is highly questionable, especially given high intermarriage rates and reductions of residential segregation - after all, Trump had the best performance with Hispanic voters in 2020 among republicans, ever since exit polling became a thing, perhaps, because of his anti-immigrant animus. Heck, the new GOP stronghold of Miami-Dade County is 54% foreign-born. The U.S. has unique assimilation capabilities that even in places that are near supermajority foreign born can be staunchly Republican, only a decade or two after the immigrant entry into the U.S.
5) Even assuming everything above is false, the 1965 INA giving a heavy emphasis on family reunification means that immigrants cluster in 5-ish states (California, Texas, Florida, New York, and New Jersey) and the 30ish super-majority white states of the Midwest (North Dakota, Wisconsin, Nebraska, etc) would still give white people a sustainable majority in the Senate into near perpetuity (especially since states retain authority over land use - see
Sackett v. Environmental Protection Agency, 598 U.S. 651 (2023), and could de facto ban anyone from moving into their states by banning new housing construction)