This is another exaggeration like the "Trump obliterated" claim.Clinton got destroyed in her debate against Trump.
Basically Trump went after character assassination on both Hillary and Kamala and they both out-did him talking about actual facts. People who don't like Hillary don't like Kamala either. Trump's strongest point this time around is that Kamala is sitting in the Whitehouse now, wielding the power of the presidency due to the senility of the actual president; if she hasn't made good on her promises and doesn't act now, why would you trust her to do so later? Liberal media sure didn't think Trump won the debate against Hillary and they don't think he did against Kamala either. They pumped everyone full of confidence that Trump made a fool out of himself and has no chance on election day.Trump correctly identified aspects of Clinton that voters liked the least. Her involvement in dozens of conflicts. Her long career in politics, potrarying her as a useless insider. Her political correctness and her double standards. It was actually a brillaint piece of rhetoric, but Trump didn't really do any of it this time around.
The absolute most annoying part of your analyses is that you continously flip flop between, "It's over... Trump obliterated." to "Was Trump actually destroyed? No." to "So yeah, Kamala pretty much destroyed Trump." then to "Of course, the race is not over yet... Lots of things can still happen." I'd stick with this last one if I were you.Of course, the race is not over yet. We have two months before November, so keep that in mind. Lots of things can still happen.
He had so many haters back then in 2016 too. As far as the nation goes, America became more and more split after 2016 with both more haters and die-hard fans for Trump. As for the democrats; they really don't like any of their own candidates; they just want someone who isn't Trump.Trump was a much stronger candidate in 2016. He is older now and he has so many haters.
Younger/coherent Biden did it because he's a white male. A large portion of the US population who are Trump fans just want a white male as president. Once that's satisfied, they can start to think straight. Without it, they defer to their primal instincts to pick the guy who looks and feels more like what they see in the mirror.With a bit better economy, a bit more speech coherance and no war in Palestine, Biden would beat Trump too.
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