Ive always said its better to put Iran in BRICS over India. A smaller country that is reliable is always better than a big one that isn't.
Just put India with the west. They will do more damage that way since India is a rather crappy ally all things considered.
When India is an enemy and you don't believe they are acting in good faith, its way easier to deal with them. Its why Jai Hind cannot deal with Pakistan even though they keep saying how stupid they are.
I actually think india should be kicked out of BRICS, especially after they stonewalled the expansion of BRICS last meeting. In fact, i reckon the indian passport should have the same amount of power and access as Afghanistan, especially after the shitty behaviour (pun intended) of indians outside of india, to say nothing of their behaviour inside of india!India has overplayed its hand. They think their membership is worth popular core policy, they must be excluded.
IDK if BRICS has mechanism for kick, but lets be real, if core members agree (payment is whole reason they signed up) any rule can be made on spot.
It was already bad when india wanted to make english an official language in BRICS, they're obviously traitors and have nothing comparable to the Non Aligned Movement of the Cold War, all of their elites compromised by anglo patronage and schooling.