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What “American blood” in Ukraine? There’s a ton of Russian blood due to the U.S. shipping a ton of weapons from 30 years ago to Ukraine but notably, no U.S. service members. Ukraine is absolutely wonderful for the US - all the U.S. did was type a few words on papers that “Ukraine was going to join nato”, and baited Russia into invading which meant the U.S. gets to sell untold volumes of weapons and energy to Europe, weaken Europe-Russia relations, and prove to European elites, complete Russian incompetence.

Even if the U.S. was “exiled to the North American continent” as the U.S. was, the U.S. would still have unparalled wealth. Angus Maddison’s work has shown that ever since the 1700s, the U.S. has been amazingly wealthy compared to any international panel, and if anything the great divergence is being led by the U.S. and that great divergence is only getting stronger

Also not happening: at worst, the U.S. goes back to living in prosperity in the lower 48 with Western Europe and Latin America as consolidation prizes.
So, you must be extremely naive if you really think that, the damage done to the USA via this inspired by keyboard typing is astronomical. I mean Europe basically destroyed its own industries, both the USA and the EU have basically disarmed themselves with all the money and weapons sent to Ukraine which in the end has basically got Russia 4 new territories (which accounts for most of Ukraines industries) and the dollar is in danger of collapse due to its current unreliability and during all this, Russia economy is exploding upwards while the USA has its debt exploding to untold levels. So yeah, the war is wonderful, for Russia that is, but for the USA? You should stop listening to Lindsay Graham cause that guy is a dumb retard thinking that the war strictly benefits the USA without any accounting for all the risks involved. If you think about it, Russia has basically rid itself of a customer (Europe) that has always been a bunch of backstabbers so I can’t see that as a negative, especially when China is a far more reliable alternative and heck, that expensive energy from the USA isn’t going to help Europe as opposed to bankrupting them quicker
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Sure it went up for 2 years but Still, the life expectancy rate still hasn’t recovered to pre-pandemic levels: In 2019, life expectancy was 78.8. So the US life expectancy is still lower than before.

The US has the LOWEST life expectancy among large wealthy countries while it far outspends it's peers on health care.
US life expectancy actually peaked 10 years ago in 2014 and decreased for 3 years in a row after that. By 2019, US life expectancy had recovered a bit but was still below the 2014 peak. In other words, the problem predates COVID.


Junior Member
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US life expectancy actually peaked 10 years ago in 2014 and decreased for 3 years in a row after that. By 2019, US life expectancy had recovered a bit but was still below the 2014 peak. In other words, the problem predates COVID.

Great charts from last year from FT.

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People literally just dying on the streets. US Social safety net is not for the bottom 1%.

And remember, the UK is 'twice' as poor as the US by GDP per capita, for all the people crowing that the poorest US states are so much richer than everyone else in the world. Pre-Covid data as well, in case someone wanted to push that excuse.



On a positive note though, mass use of weight loss medicine might improve US life expectancy over the next few decades.
But doesn't particularly solve the issue of people dying before 40.....
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Junior Member
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the U.S. has by far, the highest living standards among non-micro states anywhere
This is because there's a small portion of the population that is living a very comfortable life, and then there's a large portion of the population that isn't. However, statistics work in mysterious ways, and it averages out to 'high living standard'.
Anyways, you should also look at the delta-v of the living standard. Not the highest in the world, not by far. Probably because it's negative.


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Scarlett Johansson is a top 100 AI influencer because she threatened legal action because OpenAI used a voice that sounded like hers...
Scarlett has a bad personal history with AI. She was the centerpiece of every deepfake experiment in pornography, about a decade ago. From major studios to basement amateurs, everybody used her videos to experiment deepfakes. She pursued legal action repeatedly but eventually gave up with exhaustion.

I think Russian universities should launch a new subject area for research some thing like Doctor of Sciences in Arabic Soft Power


Grumpy Old Man
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Moderator - World Affairs
Scarlett has a bad personal history with AI. She was the centerpiece of every deepfake experiment in pornography, about a decade ago. From major studios to basement amateurs, everybody used her videos to experiment deepfakes. She pursued legal action repeatedly but eventually gave up with exhaustion.

She was the voice of an AI in this 2013 movie

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Lieutenant General
That's what got Sam Altman into trouble because he was a fan of that movie and wanted Scarlett Johansson to be the voice of his AI. I believe she actually was approached for this but didn't accept. Then Open AI did it anyway. That's why the threat of legal action because there was already evidence they did ask her to do it. And that's how Scarlett Johansson is a top 100 player in AI...
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Registered Member
This is very serious matter and considering the pathetic conditions of billion of Muslims which will get even worse with the decline of West. Russians have worked on this subject area and if Arabic is too difficult a language for such a complex subject matter. They can start in English and Russian. This is person who funded Maria Sharapova and this kind of mind set that is driving this Ukraine, demographic and migration policies in Russia and it all revolves around Kazan and they are ahead because they effectively implemented Arabic Soft Power.
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Shamil Tarpishchev: "Yeltsin was like an athlete: in the worst situations he made precise and correct decisions"​

"Yeltsin took me by the hand and said: 'I am your friend until the end of my days'"​
