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The most bizarre thing about Afghanistan pre taliban liberation of 2021 was just how in the pocket it was, of US military industry. For instance, afghans could only access the internet from Facebook, like they had to use the browser within facebooks ecosystem.
And of course the role of Afghanistan as a vehicle to wash US taxpayer monies with opium as Assange pointed out.
Once it became clear the US has lost the war (which btw was evident c. mid-2000's when US was repeatedly asking Taliban for peace deals that the latter was refusing), and the fact that US was having troubles formulating an exit plan, the local actors began milking the US, including the puppet government which was extremely corrupt.

NATO formed the Afghan National Army (ANA) and a police force whom just happened to be composed of either Taliban moles or ghost enlistees that were salaried but did not exist. Once NATO left in 2021, these entities joined Taliban formally.

This war was a major fuckup for US. No real goals, trapped unable to get out, draining hundreds of billions, no real achievement. Massive intelligence failure before and during the war. The former head of Taliban, Mullah Omar, died of natural causes and NATO did not even know until years later. In fact, they could not even get a decent picture of the dude apart from an old black & white photo of a generic man with a beard.

China is basically on track to achieve overwhelming conventional victory. So the biggest headache now is how to counter America’s nuclear arsenal, as you can bet your life on them resorting to nuclear blackmail or even nuclear war to avoid loosing a conventional war in Asia, never mind a total defeat scenario of the Chinese flag being raised over the White House.
There are cracks in the American confederation to be exploited. Society is polarized, interstate disunity exists and can be exacerbated, some states have separatist movements, racial inequality and class differences are rampant, gang populations are huge, government distrust is high. Play the right cards, right out of their own manual, and they'll be left fighting each other instead of focusing elsewhere on the globe. Then their nuclear arsenal won't pose a serious threat to anyone but themselves. This is what I see in America's forecast.


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now that Turks have applied for BRICS, they are demonstrating their newfound commitment to the Sino Russian axis. Cuz it really ,y is just China and Russia, handing things.
Of course not. With all of its inherited advantages and wealth, the US should, and would not be in remotely as bad a position as it is in today if it’s leadership cast had any semblance of self awareness and foresight left.

China is caught in two minds I believe, one the on hand, it chafes at how the US still clings to its past glories and delusions of grandeur and does not recognise just how fundamentally the power balance is stacked against them today; but on the other, it is wary of the typically violent, unhinged and probably genocidal Anglo instinctive reaction to being threatened by a ‘lesser coloured race’, even if the threat is purely imaginary on their part and due to merely your existence and prosperity, which you could do nothing about to alleviate their paranoia.

As such, China does not want to pop America’s delusional bubble until it has the hard power to not only defend against its almost inevitable attack, but also be able to defeat it once and for all instead of achieving only a partial victory just to set up a bigger follow-up war later like a re-run of WWI and WWII.

China is basically on track to achieve overwhelming conventional victory if the war starts today by switching to war economy and basically obliterate America’s legacy war machine with an astronomical number of next gen assets. So the biggest headache now is how to counter America’s nuclear arsenal, as you can bet your life on them resorting to nuclear blackmail or even nuclear war to avoid loosing a conventional war in Asia, never mind a total defeat scenario of the Chinese flag being raised over the White House.

This is why I think China’s timeline for a confrontation is probably past 2030. The question of our time is whether America will seek to pre-empt it before then while the power balance isn’t yet hopeless for them.
Alas, that I will be too old to sign up for the war by 2030, I really wanted to lead my own PMC in the anarchy of the five eyes.


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So then why did they leave, and leave in such a rushed and embarrassed manner?

You cope so hard for the US you're actually contradicting yourself. If it was so easy and cheap, why didn't they stay in Afghanistan?

Last I checked, Russian economy is growing despite sanctions from the US, which you previously said would collapse any other nation, but that seems to be a lie.

Russian has enlarged their land and incorporated more people into their country than their lost, resulting in population growth.

Is that your definition of destroyed? If that's the case, the Ukraine must be the richest, most stable country in the world and Gaza is better than Luxemburg. And the US must have been demolished!
I don’t think normal human logic applies to him to be honest.


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now that Turks have applied for BRICS, they are demonstrating their newfound commitment to the Sino Russian axis. Cuz it really ,y is just China and Russia, handing things.

Alas, that I will be too old to sign up for the war by 2030, I really wanted to lead my own PMC in the anarchy of the five eyes.
Well, the thing about PMCs is that if you can't sign up, you can just create your own :cool:


Staff member
Super Moderator
Of course not. With all of its inherited advantages and wealth, the US should, and would not be in remotely as bad a position as it is in today if it’s leadership cast had any semblance of self awareness and foresight left.

China is caught in two minds I believe, one the on hand, it chafes at how the US still clings to its past glories and delusions of grandeur and does not recognise just how fundamentally the power balance is stacked against them today; but on the other, it is wary of the typically violent, unhinged and probably genocidal Anglo instinctive reaction to being threatened by a ‘lesser coloured race’, even if the threat is purely imaginary on their part and due to merely your existence and prosperity, which you could do nothing about to alleviate their paranoia.

As such, China does not want to pop America’s delusional bubble until it has the hard power to not only defend against its almost inevitable attack, but also be able to defeat it once and for all instead of achieving only a partial victory just to set up a bigger follow-up war later like a re-run of WWI and WWII.

China is basically on track to achieve overwhelming conventional victory if the war starts today by switching to war economy and basically obliterate America’s legacy war machine with an astronomical number of next gen assets. So the biggest headache now is how to counter America’s nuclear arsenal, as you can bet your life on them resorting to nuclear blackmail or even nuclear war to avoid loosing a conventional war in Asia, never mind a total defeat scenario of the Chinese flag being raised over the White House.

This is why I think China’s timeline for a confrontation is probably past 2030. The question of our time is whether America will seek to pre-empt it before then while the power balance isn’t yet hopeless for them.

My personal theory is that with a semi-decent leadership most of the US population should be able to live well even if it has no tech or industries since it is so rich in natural resources. Instead we got billionaires doubling their wealth in the years following COVID.


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Sure was - what the cope brigade at Pentagon called the mountains, where Taliban was "hiding" - the mountains which happen to be 90% of the country. +75% of the population was rural, completely out of your control. National borders were also worth holding (which you could not). If you held them, you wouldn't be blaming the neighbors for freedom fighters moving back n forth.

You really wanted that Uzbek/Turkmen oil & gas, but a dead Enron in 2001 foiled the purpose of your invasion. Forget Enron, you couldn't even secure anything valuable in the country to build the line on; puppet government was as incompetent as NATO invaders. Chinese involvement in Gwadar put to rest any little hope you had remaining. Dead on arrival is the appropriate term for your little Afghan misadventure.

Now you can cope a little harder with Afghans unable to get education on trannies and which gender washroom to use.

Ahh. Why we talking about Enron? Enron wanted the Uzbek/Turkmen gas field? I didn’t know that.

Anyway, I’m just saying I feel bad for any women under Taliban control. That’s all.


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For anybody curious about how genetically colonized South America is (white vs AmerIndian ancestry), there's a video with stats:
Argentina + Cuba + Uruguay (80% white/italian/spanish/jewish) is by far the most genetically changed from indigenous times and Peru + Bolivia (80% indigenous) is the best. The sad reality is that many of the native Americans that were genocided by white settlers will never be coming back, their cultures and peoples are lost to time forever.

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What I love most about this article is that it explicitly likens Huawei to Sauron the immortal and the US hawks to the "scaly-faced orcs".


Lieutenant General
My personal theory is that with a semi-decent leadership most of the US population should be able to live well even if it has no tech or industries since it is so rich in natural resources. Instead we got billionaires doubling their wealth in the years following COVID.
They have the resources of a whole continent and two oceans. It takes a lot more than mere incompetence to make the lives of ordinary Americans so hard with just such vast natural resource endowments.

But they also have, rather had, dollar hegemony; overwhelming control of world financial markets; effective control of all core international organisations from the IFM/World Bank to ICC; technological monopolies etc. The list is frankly ridiculous.

To have such a terrible outcome from such a stacked hand is only possible because the whole system is built to suck the 99% dry to enrich the top 1%. It’s a feature, not a bug.

The past only looked golden because the American system used to cascade down where the whole American population was the world’s 1% and they were doing the same to the rest of the world to enable a superior lifestyle.

Foreign countries were only allowed to prosper in the same way the farmer allows his livestock to fatten up before the slaughter.

China was the only one to be able to break that cycle and prevent the US from harvesting all their hard earned wealth and prosperity. That, and China’s audacity to spread that wealth to benefit all of its people instead of just the 1% is the unforgivable Original Sin China has committed which the Anglos will never forgive or forget. Because China presents an existential threat to their 1%’s way of life least the other 99% of their subjects realise what a ridiculously bad deal they are getting and demand a better deal.

This is unfortunately why conflict is inevitable between China and America, because there is almost certainly going to be a a revolution in America where it’s current 1% ruling class are deposed and purged by the exploited 99% once western MSM brainwashing stops working in the face of overwhelming evidence of China’s superior and fairer system reached the 99%. So for the Anglo ruling elite, it’s death either way, and they are of the mindset of dragging everyone else down with them if they must fall.