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They had it shit under US control and now equally shit under Taliban control. It's the local culture. At least now, the courts are governed by locals, and the practice of legalized pedophilia from the collaborationist government and their western allies have been stamped out. Baby steps but still significant steps.

If Taliban succeed in attracting China, its likely gender equality will continue to improve, since they'll be working with skilled technicians culturally used to developed norms, there will be a natural osmosis, especially when they bring their families or make new ones.

Pakistan and Indonesia are by standards of Islamic countries remarkably gender equal. Not to mention Xinjiang that shows the example of what an Islamic society in 1st world norms should look like.
Women did relatively well in areas controlled by US - at least thats one positive outcome from US involvement in Afghanistan. I can't imagine the restrictions they were put under in rural areas ruled by the Taliban.


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Women did relatively well in areas controlled by US - at least thats one positive outcome from US involvement in Afghanistan. I can't imagine the restrictions they were put under in rural areas ruled by the Taliban.
They wouldn't become only fan stars. I would consider that a plus. Entire globe knows the progress of women in US , the rate is equivalent to the rate of getting rid of clothes.
Is feeling bad for woman one of the things people in US do for living? Always had that question in mind.
Besides I don't think it should be too hard to replace the current people in US with all the women in the world those people were feeling bad about.

Fair exchange, I can already feel the positiveness ,right? :rolleyes::rolleyes:


Registered Member
Women did relatively well in areas controlled by US - at least thats one positive outcome from US involvement in Afghanistan. I can't imagine the restrictions they were put under in rural areas ruled by the Taliban.
How the Taliban treats women is not exemplary, but they are far from the worse offenders. They are still not comparable to BJP-ruled "free and democratic" India where women are treated as sexual prey. Its not just Indian women who suffers from sexual predation, but also foreign ones. Female tourists are far safer in Taliban-ruled Afghanistan compared to BJP-ruled India.

Indians are flocking to the US by the millions, and are starting to shift the demographics. Unfortunately, where ever Indian men go, they also bring along undesirable traits, one of which is sexual depravity. Couple this with the twisted culture of woke depravity there, things are not looking good for women's right in the US either.


Registered Member
Women did relatively well in areas controlled by US - at least thats one positive outcome from US involvement in Afghanistan. I can't imagine the restrictions they were put under in rural areas ruled by the Taliban.

So 2 trillion spent on improving women's lives in certain large cities for 20 years. As OP mentioned, concurrently while looking away from the bacha bazi sh*t
Amazing ROI


Lieutenant General
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Now what? Time for finance bros to brush up their XJP thoughts like their colleagues in China, that’s what.

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What I love most about this article is that it explicitly likens Huawei to Sauron the immortal and the US hawks to the "scaly-faced orcs".

I can write a parallel article how all the West's problems they see are their fault. Surprise! Why is there an imbalance between the West and the rest of the world? Because that's how they engineered it. The West sought to take over the world through colonialism so the easiest way to do that is making everyone else poor so it would be easier for them to takeover. Today they can't compete against low wages in the rest of the world...? Well that's what happens when the West's economic model for the world was to enslave everyone. To enslave someone means they would work for you and not get paid. Because of the threat of communism bringing a world revolution against Western colonialism after WWII because that was when the West was at their weakest, they had to act like they saw everyone as equal. In those terms it meant they had to let the rest of the world grow without interference from them. The rest of the world are low wage countries because they had to start from zero. And who's fault is that that where I have to remind them because they want that part of history ignored...? Who's the evil that created this whole mess that they complain about in the first place? The West.

The reason why the West didn't see China coming is because they saw the world working only in the way they wanted to see it. When Nixon opened up to China, a reporter ask him if he was worried about helping an enemy? Nixon said he wasn't worried because he thought China wasn't going to amount to anything more than they are right now. That is how arrogant the West is to this day. When they get something wrong, it's not their fault that they're ignorant and set in their ways. It's everyone else's fault for not going along and go out of their way with what they believe. It's China's fault because they weren't as inferior as the West believed Chinese were to be. And who does the West like in the world? Everyone who does work to make everything the West wants to believe as being true.

When you having articles like these, they try to comes across as intellectually examining and analyzing something when they're just simply complaining about how they found out how they're not as superior as they believed and everyone is not as inferior as they want to believe. They can point out all the problems but they just simply don't accept that they got it wrong from the beginning and not because others are trying to undermine what is normal to them.

Earlier in this thread the comedy movie The American Society of the Magical Negro was brought up. The movie was accused of being racist towards whites because it says if black people don't go out of their way to make white people feel good in life, that's when white people are the most dangerous to black people's lives. These articles are the intellectualized version of making the case for it. The West isn't wrong. The West isn't the one that has to change. It's everyone that has to right this wrong or else what...? They're the ones talking about how China is the bad guy here. They're the ones talking about going to war with China. For what? Can they point out something specific that China has done that justifies military action on their part? Do these articles point to genocide that China is committing that the good guy West has to stop? No. These articles are talking about how China has beaten them in their own game of economic and technological competition. They're beating the drums of war for it. Now how is it racist to believe that the West can become violent if you don't go out of your way to cater to their pettiest whims...?


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Human faeces found smeared on the lock of a mid-day meal cooking centre at a school
have sparked outrage in Tamil Nadu.
Is this an act of biological warfare? Or maybe it's just a case of poor personal hygiene?

The Namakkal district police are investigating the incident following a complaint by the school's headmaster on Tuesday. "The school authorities gave a complaint only after washing off the faeces," said Superintendent of Police S Rajesh Kannan.
Yes, let's trust the Indian police to crack this case.


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Women did relatively well in areas controlled by US - at least thats one positive outcome from US involvement in Afghanistan. I can't imagine the restrictions they were put under in rural areas ruled by the Taliban.
Except rape and human trafficking was rampant, and they had no better on paper rights than today either. At least the Taliban are not raping underaged (nor adults), or selling slaves.

Afghans were picking between local fundamentalists and modern Dirlewangers.

The one positive thing US achieved was building up a bit of the local infrastructure, especially mines, so the Taliban can take it and generate revenue to rebuild Afghanistan afterwards.
Nowhere worth one of the most criminal filled and morally degenerate invasions in modern history.


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Is this an act of biological warfare? Or maybe it's just a case of poor personal hygiene?

Yes, let's trust the Indian police to crack this case.
These Indians are crazy. Seriously, one of the problems India has with there caste system is they will always treat the lower caste as basically worthless and thus, these lower caste have their hopes so badly destroyed that they simply don’t care anymore. It’s no wonder why India is in such a downward spiral that many simply would rather run away
Women did relatively well in areas controlled by US - at least thats one positive outcome from US involvement in Afghanistan. I can't imagine the restrictions they were put under in rural areas ruled by the Taliban.
The USA didn’t leave any positive in Afghanistan, stop with the unnecessary coping, unless you have personally been to Afghanistan, you cannot judge, the fact that the current situation in Afghanistan has been stabilized ever since the USA has left shows definitively that the USA is an all around bad influence who leaves nothing good in its wake and that the best thing the world can hope for is the simple erasure of the US military from the face of the earth, if only so that they cannot invade other nations any more for their ‘modern values’
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What I love most about this article is that it explicitly likens Huawei to Sauron the immortal and the US hawks to the "scaly-faced orcs".

From that article.

The main purported goal of sanctions was to impede Huawei in the market for 5G network equipment, the stated fear being that its products could include Chinese government malware for surveillance or worse. Yet their main impact was on Huawei's handset business. Generating 54% of Huawei's revenues in 2020, it was cut off by US legislation from both Google software and cutting-edge chips, far more important to smartphones than they are to network products. Revenues halved in 2021 with the sale of Honor, a handicapped smartphone unit, and they fell another 12% in 2022.

How did Huawei beat the US government at the 5G network battle?

They had a stockpile of chips.

That was all it really took.

Then they built it.


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I guess it would then work a bit more like how trisolaris never let humanity directly interact leadership to leadership or know their inner party agenda, instead only using cultural/business relations to represent themselves, painting a false picture of peaceful rise and vulnerability.

Maybe it does work surprisingly well because of how opaque the CPC inner circle can make itself. I'm still not sure that politicians like Xi who spent time in America and have people they consider acquaintances there are actually so anti America they are planning real life version of droplet strike against them. But maybe the strike in question isn't direct annihilation attack but some economical/geopolitical planning.