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Well, the thing about PMCs is that if you can't sign up, you can just create your own :cool:
ngl that's what i have in mind; no different than what happened with Blackwater in 2003 Iraq, causing all sorts of trouble and atrocities and a lot of the blackwater mercs weren't even former specops, but just some loser with no prospects back home who were, like members of Cortes and Pizarro's expeditions, driven more by the propensity for profit and rape.

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Now what? Time for finance bros to brush up their XJP thoughts like their colleagues in China, that’s what.
I prefer the old school method where the counter party has to prove their sincerity for peace by presenting the heads of all members of the War Party as well as children of the top elites of the country to serve as hostages and to be groomed by the CPC for future stewardship of the US.
For anybody curious about how genetically colonized South America is (white vs AmerIndian ancestry), there's a video with stats:
Argentina + Cuba + Uruguay (80% white/italian/spanish/jewish) is by far the most genetically changed from indigenous times and Peru + Bolivia (80% indigenous) is the best. The sad reality is that many of the native Americans that were genocided by white settlers will never be coming back, their cultures and peoples are lost to time forever.

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What I love most about this article is that it explicitly likens Huawei to Sauron the immortal and the US hawks to the "scaly-faced orcs".
Make no mistake, what the european west wants for Asia and Africa, is what they have already done for the natives of north and south america. North america was once populated by native americans who were little different genetically and physiologically to Chinese and Siberians. I see the native americans as no different to our distant cousins, even more so when you can see the similarities in Olmec art and architecture and the art and architecture of the SanXingDui culture of prehistoric China.

People think i'm being hyperbolic when i advocate for China to take the territories of the Five Eyes, but if or when it comes to war, the Five Eyes have made it clear in no uncertain terms that they regard a conflict with China as an 'all of society' conflict and therefore an existential civilisational war. In such a bloody and prolonged conflict, the only prize that makes such generational sacrifice worthwhile is for the lands and resources of the american and australian continents to become Chinese in perpetuity.
Stupid Jai Hind media. This is old news already. What took you so long, constipation?

Highlight comments:
View attachment 135144
Yeah. India's journey to the toilet is not yet complete as of 2024. Focus on that first instead of bashing a Chinese video game.

View attachment 135145
LoL! Jai Hind thinks that people gives a f**k about his opinion.
Really quite ironic that whilst 'china can't do soft power' Black Myth Wukong is all the rage in america and the west, the indian claim to soft power in the same instance is the generally agreed level of disgust towards indians, their propensity for nepotism and rape and generally being neither safe near woman, child nor beast.


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Ahh. Why we talking about Enron? Enron wanted the Uzbek/Turkmen gas field? I didn’t know that.

Anyway, I’m just saying I feel bad for any women under Taliban control. That’s all.
They had it shit under US control and now equally shit under Taliban control. It's the local culture. At least now, the courts are governed by locals, and the practice of legalized pedophilia from the collaborationist government and their western allies have been stamped out. Baby steps but still significant steps.

If Taliban succeed in attracting China, its likely gender equality will continue to improve, since they'll be working with skilled technicians culturally used to developed norms, there will be a natural osmosis, especially when they bring their families or make new ones.

Pakistan and Indonesia are by standards of Islamic countries remarkably gender equal. Not to mention Xinjiang that shows the example of what an Islamic society in 1st world norms should look like.


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Of course not. With all of its inherited advantages and wealth, the US should, and would not be in remotely as bad a position as it is in today if it’s leadership cast had any semblance of self awareness and foresight left.

China is caught in two minds I believe, one the on hand, it chafes at how the US still clings to its past glories and delusions of grandeur and does not recognise just how fundamentally the power balance is stacked against them today; but on the other, it is wary of the typically violent, unhinged and probably genocidal Anglo instinctive reaction to being threatened by a ‘lesser coloured race’, even if the threat is purely imaginary on their part and due to merely your existence and prosperity, which you could do nothing about to alleviate their paranoia.

As such, China does not want to pop America’s delusional bubble until it has the hard power to not only defend against its almost inevitable attack, but also be able to defeat it once and for all instead of achieving only a partial victory just to set up a bigger follow-up war later like a re-run of WWI and WWII.

China is basically on track to achieve overwhelming conventional victory if the war starts today by switching to war economy and basically obliterate America’s legacy war machine with an astronomical number of next gen assets. So the biggest headache now is how to counter America’s nuclear arsenal, as you can bet your life on them resorting to nuclear blackmail or even nuclear war to avoid loosing a conventional war in Asia, never mind a total defeat scenario of the Chinese flag being raised over the White House.

This is why I think China’s timeline for a confrontation is probably past 2030. The question of our time is whether America will seek to pre-empt it before then while the power balance isn’t yet hopeless for them.
It could honestly just be that China isn't planning much ahead and they're only focusing on building the country, as long as US is not able to impede China economically or threaten an attack, they simply won't bother with US and will occasionally use international manuevers to distract them. From where China is standing, they see that US economic war has nearly not touched Chinese population at all. They also know that US may make peace with them later and open even more markets, once US gets weaker from losing proxy wars. In that terms, they see US relations as something cyclical that is bound to cycle back at some point.

The trisolaris style strategy you're talking about essentially means that the political establishment in China has already reached unity in a plan of zero sum confrontation. But imho a lot of Chinese officials are slightly sympathetic or at least neutral to US in their (public) acts. If they are actually so hostile to US that they're only waiting for the right moment of weakness to annihilate US, I don't think they wouldn't act like that, unless many of the CPC are excellent actors.


Registered Member
It could honestly just be that China isn't planning much ahead and they're only focusing on building the country, as long as US is not able to impede China economically or threaten an attack, they simply won't bother with US and will occasionally use international manuevers to distract them.

The trisolaris style strategy you're talking about essentially means that the political establishment in China has already reached unity in a plan of zero sum confrontation. But imho a lot of Chinese officials are slightly sympathetic or at least neutral to US in their (public) acts. If they are actually so hostile to US that they're only waiting for the right moment of weakness to annihilate US, I don't think they wouldn't act like that, unless many of the CPC are excellent actors.

Each of the four Wallfacers were given a vast amount of resources to enact their own defense plan, with the important stipulation that they could not share their plans with others, due to the Trisolaran
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' ability to intercept all forms of human communication. Therefore, the Wallfacers were directed to keep their plans secret within their own minds and even encouraged to intentionally try to mislead the Trisolarans by making irrelevant decisions or pretending to be enacting another plan. By nature of the plan, the Wallfacers were not required to provide detailed explanations of their actions to the PDC, which lead to frustrations among PDC members, some of whom called for the Wallfacer Act to be repealed..


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There's apparently some scandal on Kpop and deepfakes or something. And now the west is taking it's time to shit on Koreans esp the men for being sexist or whatever.

Hows that for soft power huh? Seems kinda soft isn't it ?

For Chinese, they will not get caught off guard so easily coz they are used to it.
All that effort spent to realize if your “power” doesn’t get you past the “getting people’s approval” stage, then it isn’t power at all. At least politicians get to actually make decisions once they have approval; entertainers are only useful if they keep entertaining.

It’s like the difference between being a member of the court and the court jester.
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