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Lieutenant General
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I don't understand why he stay unbanned. He produce negative value whereever he goes. The best case scenario is him polluting least valuable threads. If that is his best, then may as well ban him, and nothing of value is lost. All he does is provoking others.

Another point worth mentioning. I and other moderators are kind of tired of people on this forum reporting posts and complaining about why certain member has not been banned. They have been banned because they are not violating any terms of agreement. We don't ban people just because they post contents that others don't agree with.

And a have a list of posters in my mind that do this far too much.

Btw, we have a policy on this forum to not reply to moderator posting in red bold text like I did above. Please respect that.


Registered Member
So it sounds like China in fact has substantially lower productivity
US "productivity" is selling insulin that retails elsewhere in the world for $30 USD a vial for $1000 USD in the US and pocketing the difference. The US is a late stage failed capitalist society where the "market" is actually a collection of oligopolies which regularly collude to fix prices and there is limited competition. Which is why investors keep talking about moats all the time. Even agribusiness is like that with companies like Cargill controlling the market. When in any market economy agribusiness is typically highly competitive, since anyone with a plot of land can farm, the opposite is the case in the US.

The lack of HSR in the U.S. is because U.S. cities aren’t dense enough for HSR; not technological incapacity.
The US Eastern seaboard has enough population. What the US also has is a considerable aviation lobby and deep NIMBYism which is why HSR goes nowhere.

China built HSR to Xinjiang and they are building higher speed rail in Tibet tunneling through the world's tallest mountains connecting not so dense cities. It is all a matter of political will.

US firms like Wabtec have substantial global market share in rail rolling stock. As for 5G; U.S. firms are simply fragmented but
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Registered Member

I am actually pleased that India and Indias leadership are so obtuse and stupidly arrogant that they can do without Chinese investment because we have already seen what Indians do and how Indians behave when it had only a fraction of china’s development. Let India rot into 90s Somalian level of anarchy.
The rest of Asia has a special India problem too. Today, India with only 1/5th the economy of China is already talking about Akhand Bharat and taking over the world. In the past when India had an equivalent economy with China and was not yet taken over by the RSS, it had already started meddling in the affairs of Xizang, and even attempted to take territory by force from China. Since then, India continues to covet Xizang, playing a two-faced game with it's One China policy. So a strong India is not in the interest of the rest of Asia, especially it's neighbours.

India self-sabotaging it's future economic prospects to massage its bloated ego is only good news for the majority of Asia. Chinese investment funds get to be saved from being scammed by the numerous Indian scam unicorns, or robbed by the Indian mafia government. India scams more money from the gullible and desperate West. And India strays further away from the path of economic miracle. That's a win-win deal for everyone.
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New Member
Registered Member
I don't understand why he stay unbanned. He produce negative value whereever he goes. The best case scenario is him polluting least valuable threads. If that is his best, then may as well ban him, and nothing of value is lost. All he does is provoking others.
There are place for professional discussion, and there are places for fun. I for one like to have a punching bag.


Junior Member
Registered Member
The rest of Asia has a special India problem too. Today, India with only 1/5th the economy of China is already talking about Akhand Bharat and taking over the world. In the past when India had an equivalent economy with China and was not yet taken over by the RSS, it had already started meddling in the affairs of Xizang, and even attempted to take territory by force from China. Since then, India continues to covet Xizang, playing a two-faced game with it's One China policy. So a strong India is not in the interest of the rest of Asia, especially it's neighbours.

India self-sabotaging it's future economic prospects to massage its bloated ego is only good news for the majority of Asia. Chinese investment funds get to be saved from being scammed by the numerous Indian scam unicorns, or robbed by the Indian mafia government. India scams more money from the gullible and desperate West. And India strays further away from the path of economic miracle. That's a win-win deal for everyone.
I don't really follow those aznidenity or asianmasculinity subreddits that much. Mostly a waste of time. But I was reading the activity from them declined recently. The reason? It was highjacked by Indians.

Like when people think of Asians in the west they usually think of the east or sea types who look oriental. And that was generally accepted. However Indians are such goddamn clout chasers. Now asian clout is in the rise, Indians cannot help themselves but want to be part of that even though they were not present during the lowest times of COVID. So now when people talk about asian issues, they want it to be about them too. Otherwise no one woukd care. Of course it's rarely the other way round. And the mods have Indians too so you can imagine what happened.

This isn't even a company ffs. It's a subreddit for angry Asians (that probably won't make a difference) and somehow the same Indian behavior still manages to be exhibited and ruined the place.

Asian built something, it gets attention, Indians come in out of nowhere, they take over the place claiming credit, the place gets ruined. Like a damn leech.

I don't know any others who exhibit this sort of behavior. But I really do hope Chinese leadership is aware of such slimeball behavior. I used to think the eternal anglo or Jews were shameless but damn Indians Will be taking their throne very soon. At least Jews are an exclusive club and want it to remain that way but Indians are just everywhere.

So the takeaway is, if you make a deal with an Indian, use every damn control to make sure he is enforced to honor his side of the deal. And make sure if he doesn't, you have every right to make him pay heavily.
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Staff member
Super Moderator
I don't really follow those aznidenity or asianmasculinity subreddits that much. Mostly a waste of time. But I was reading the activity from them declined recently. The reason? It was highjacked by Indians.

Like when people think of Asians in the west they usually think of the east or sea types who look oriental. And that was generally accepted. However Indians are such goddamn clout chasers. Now asian clout is in the rise, Indians cannot help themselves but want to be part of that even though they were not present during the lowest times of COVID. So now when people talk about asian issues, they want it to be about them too. Otherwise no one woukd care. Of course it's rarely the other way round. And the mods have Indians too so you can imagine what happened.

This isn't even a company ffs. It's a subreddit for angry Asians (that probably won't make a difference) and somehow the same Indian behavior still manages to be exhibited and ruined the place.

Asian built something, it gets attention, Indians come in out of nowhere, they take over the place claiming credit, the place gets ruined. Like a damn leech.

I don't know any others who exhibit this sort of behavior. But I really do hope Chinese leadership is aware of such slimeball behavior.

So it has turned from a place of legit grievances to this?



Registered Member
That is not true. Swastikas from Nazi is clockwise while in China, it is 卍字(wan)counter clockwise.
That is a saying by some people (Chinese or westerner) to apease western audience. Both spin directions are common in China since 5000 years ago.

There is a long ongoing trend that Westerners have been trying to re-interpret history, culture of non-west to fit their world-view and naratives. Making a difference between the symbol is only one of many, the other is more obvious but in same line, to paint Chinese dynasties in the image of an European colonial empire in the 18th and 19th centries. We have been sufferring the western "话语权" for so long that some of us actually believe in the western crap.

Majiayao culture about 5300 to 4000 BP
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Junior Member
Registered Member
I don't really follow those aznidenity or asianmasculinity subreddits that much. Mostly a waste of time. But I was reading the activity from them declined recently. The reason? It was highjacked by Indians.

Like when people think of Asians in the west they usually think of the east or sea types who look oriental. And that was generally accepted. However Indians are such goddamn clout chasers. Now asian clout is in the rise, Indians cannot help themselves but want to be part of that even though they were not present during the lowest times of COVID. So now when people talk about asian issues, they want it to be about them too. Otherwise no one woukd care. Of course it's rarely the other way round. And the mods have Indians too so you can imagine what happened.

This isn't even a company ffs. It's a subreddit for angry Asians (that probably won't make a difference) and somehow the same Indian behavior still manages to be exhibited and ruined the place.

Asian built something, it gets attention, Indians come in out of nowhere, they take over the place claiming credit, the place gets ruined. Like a damn leech.

I don't know any others who exhibit this sort of behavior. But I really do hope Chinese leadership is aware of such slimeball behavior.
India is subcontinental, not Asian. Ethnically or culturally, there are no ties. The Himalayas demark border between subcontinent and Asia, while the urals demark Asia's borders to Europe.

It's mostly the cynical and pragmatic idea of Japanese Imperialism which wanted to artificially include India into the Asian "family", to justify expansion into the subcontinent.

But at no point, not even during the brief period of India being considered Asian family, have Asia's rulers actually viewed India as an equal to themselves, or even equal to the SEA countries. For example in Singapore, China and Japan, SEA migrant labor are considered 1st rate only second to expats between the other north Asian countries, while Indian are associated with untrustworthiness and inferior quality.