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China simply lacks the technological and financial complexity existent in U.S. firms.
Technological complexities should be compared individual sector-wise(for example, semiconductor fab or CNC) so that we can reasonable discuss whether overall technical superiority exists and whether it is significant and whether being less complex overall is good, but I can see how a "complexity" metric is worthy talking about since as technologies get better, it necessarily gets more complex. However, I don't know what financial complexity actually implies for a society. For example, a CDO is highly complex and perhaps highly profitable for someone. But is it actually any good for the society at large?
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Technological complexities should be compared individual sector-wise(for example, semiconductor fab or CNC) so that we can reasonable discuss whether overall technical superiority exists and whether it is significant and whether being less complex overall is good, but I can see how a "complexity" metric is worthy talking about since as technologies get better, it necessarily gets more complex. However, I don't know what financial complexity actually implies for a society. For example, a CDO is highly complex and perhaps highly profitable for someone. But is it actually any good for the society at large?
The financial complexity argument is necessarily related to the technological complexity. As firms get more complex so to, do their financing needs and their investor risk preferences. Being able to create financial instruments that mediate between the two is necessary to sustain corporate growth. Case in point - Baidu, Alibaba, and Tencent - the most successful Chinese software publishers, all grew up on American VC. That is not a coincidence, US equity Capital allowed for meeting the unique needs of equity software investors that couldn’t be matched with common equity or bonds


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To our Bangladeshi forum members can you give me more info regarding this fellow Khandakar Tahmid Rejwan, cause he is writing some serious shit of an article right after a successful Colored Revolution.

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12 hours ago — Khandakar Tahmid Rejwan ([email protected]) is a research data analyst at the Bangladesh Peace Observatory under the Centre for ...

The comments said it all, this guy is a paid hack.

  1. KGsays:
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    Is this a joke??? Indian and Turkish military weapons more reliable than Chinese ones??? Wow. That’s some pretty weak propaganda. In any event it’s clear to everyone what was the real reason behind the ouster of the Bangladesh leader
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  2. b05b0c4e87972b8288970c45c10854ef
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    Overthrow of Hasina was a color revolution after all. Thi sarticle is a proof.
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  3. e3017fda37750bee4cd9891153bea24e
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    western weapon maker salesman at work here
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  4. 3f13a77c7ac13f02e26a88b727703657
    Godzilla Mothrasays:
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    Well, what do we have here? Not long after Hasina was overthrown, agent of the US in Bangladesh immediately recommended the new government to cut ties with China. This after Hasina accused Washington behind her overthrown. Btw, this article would be more credible if it didn’t recommend Indian arms as quality purchase. Just ask the Nepalese army who lost many of its soldiers in its war against rebels when their Indian rifle, INSAS, kept jamming during battle. Sure, Chinese arms quality might not be the best, but it certainly beat anything Indian DRDO can make, LMAO.
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    1. 2cb479dedce1efd8b7b9e5e6a12680d4
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      Yup… And NATO weapons aren’t helping Ukriane much at all either. But yeah these people show their true colors quickly


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Linde is German. Why is he listing non-US companie

Multiple reasons
1. Linde is functionally an American after its praxair acquisition since it has majority U.S. equity holdings, an S&P 500 membership, and the majority of its assets/sales/employees in the US
2. There were some products that can kmlh
Be bought in usd, others in EUR (but with the dominant producers being US producers). The list was inclusive of those. And their substantially voluminous and complex U.S. production is illustrative of America’s enduring productivity advantages vis-a-vis China.


The financial complexity argument is necessarily related to the technological complexity. As firms get more complex so to, do their financing needs and their investor risk preferences. Being able to create financial instruments that mediate between the two is necessary to sustain corporate growth. Case in point - Baidu, Alibaba, and Tencent - the most successful Chinese software publishers, all grew up on American VC. That is not a coincidence, US equity Capital allowed for meeting the unique needs of equity software investors that couldn’t be matched with common equity or bonds
This is all diarrhea. Huawei doesn't need such a thing, and regardless of what you think is needed, Chinese tech outgrows American tech. That's the big picture.
Multiple reasons
1. Linde is functionally an American after its praxair acquisition since it has majority U.S. equity holdings, an S&P 500 membership, and the majority of its assets/sales/employees in the US
2. There were some products that can kmlh
Be bought in usd, others in EUR (but with the dominant producers being US producers). The list was inclusive of those. And their substantially voluminous and complex U.S. production is illustrative of America’s enduring productivity advantages vis-a-vis China.
Your whole punchline, "enduring productivity advantages vis-a-vis China" just means old shit that's not completely broke yet though China's wearing it thinner by the hour.