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That shouldn't be celebrated tbh but what the heck are they getting crapped on X this time?
Despite being a superpower, apparently all 1.5B of India cannot handle one Brit shitposting on Twitter and keep mass reporting him to get his account banned. This is despite their claims of being a free democratic country. Yes this is what they considered a "great victory". I mean it is literally in national news now.

Next time you hear muh free speech on westoid media just remember this. I also do not ever want to hear Indians dare talk about it considering how big of tattletales and snitches they are when things are not favourable to them.

Now you understand why TikTok is so popular and why it's still not banned. Because India banned it so no Indian users to ruin it.
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View attachment 135013
Oppression worse than tiananmen square
At least when the same spotlight and bullying was focused on Chinese people from 2016 onwards with Trumpist support what with the trade war, the 'uighur genocide', the pandemic etc the Chinese people and the government never begged for western media to censor themselves. No, what Chinese media, spokespeople et al did do was calmly (superhumanly calm IMHO) explain the facts and state the facts for the historical record. THere was no cowardly crying and dobbing into silicone valley to help censor the likes of steve bannon etc because China and Chinese people understand that different laws apply in difference countries. Naturally, the weakness of character of the average Jai Hind is laid bare for all to see.

The plot thickens, could Pavel have been a triple agent?


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I looked at the guy’s past tweets and indeed he is a piece of work.
Im not really a fan of lowbrow crass racism.

But for some reason that language seems to resonate very well with the average online Indian user like a piece of art. Like it turns out trying to properly debate with one is a complete waste of time and they only understand you when you talk like Big Baz to them.

So I'll make an exception for this scenario.


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At least when the same spotlight and bullying was focused on Chinese people from 2016 onwards with Trumpist support what with the trade war, the 'uighur genocide', the pandemic etc the Chinese people and the government never begged for western media to censor themselves. No, what Chinese media, spokespeople et al did do was calmly (superhumanly calm IMHO) explain the facts and state the facts for the historical record. THere was no cowardly crying and dobbing into silicone valley to help censor the likes of steve bannon etc because China and Chinese people understand that different laws apply in difference countries. Naturally, the weakness of character of the average Jai Hind is laid bare for all to see.

The plot thickens, could Pavel have been a triple agent?
It's so ironic. Indians keep trying to diss China saying we fear free speech or whatever criticism. Yet we can see from their reaction who the real thin skinned and glass hearted ones are when things are tough. This is a prime case study in behavior.

Always talking tough but never acting tough when things are actually tough.
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