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Mass influx into Canada / Uk into a few cities seems to be an issue and lots of the hate content is stemming from there. Kinda odd that it is not as loud in the US since many companies have offshore or replace staff with indian staffing firms for the past 2 decades. I think the tech oligarchs are able to still hold the narrative that "they only bring in the best" and these staff are spread more around thru many city/states

Oh it is there. Just go to the layoff board for Intel.


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I love how chgough34 used IBM and Intel as champions of American tech supremacy due to their ~60 billion in revenue. Just peak levels of delusions and confirmation bias.
Thing is, even with their current endless troubles, there is not a single foreign competitor with substantial scale on PC/Server CPUs (Intel), or the end-to-end networking/cloud/cybersecurity/DevOps IT backend that IBM can provide. And since China has no similar corporates of equivalent or larger scale, that US workers are 4x more productive is obvious - US workers are able to produce goods and services in scale, price, and reliability that simply have no foreign equivalent whatsoever.

even the EV/HSR/5G/nuclear comparisons fall flat because there - Tesla, Rivian, Wabtec, Westinghouse, Cisco/Mavenir/Ericsson US all are similar-ish items produced in the U.S.


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I do not understand much of economics or technology, but in my simple world, none of that matters. What is more important is that in China it is politics that rule over national strategy and capitalists are subservient to policiticians, whereas in the US it is the polar opposite. This is the real difference and will lead to the gaps between China and the US getting larger and larger.
lol, no. US corporates lose lobbying fights all the time see for example, the price caps on insulin, bank regulation capital requirements post-SVB, the endless utility company grumpiness at rate filings, etc. the claim that in China, politics rules over capital is also dumb; the current slow-moving real estate crisis in China is because Chinese politicians didn’t want to make homeowners mad so they pushed off popping the real estate bubble until it could not be pushed any longer, and thus it has resulted in far more deleterious outcomes than if they popped it earlier.


Lieutenant General
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I'll tell you how Asian countries will interpret this. They'll think, or want to think, how much more important they are when the US won't even defend their own closer allies... but the US will defend them. No, it should be a wake up call because it says how much the US won't be fighting the war with China that Americans will orchestrate. These Geishas will be fighting the US's war for them. All you have to do is look at Ukraine. The US gives weapons to Ukraine and Israel. The US's Asian allies that brag of getting weapons from the US have pay for them. The US knows a chump when they see one. The US knows their Asian allies will be fighting and paying for the war against China for them.

There was a recent discussion in here suggesting Western tanks on Chinese soil. I don't think that will ever happen. Why? You know how much logistical support tanks need? Most of China's population is on the coast living in cities where most of the West's tanks would have to arrive from. It takes ten thousand troops to control every million people in order to properly occupy enemy territory. You think the West has a chance? I'm sure the US will send its Asian allies to dare invade China for them because they wouldn't give a crap how many of them die in the process.


Junior Member
Jai Hind fella, you ought to really understand and or at least live in America to understand the s..t you're talking about because your posts come across generic and lifted from someone else's myopic views about China.

Exactly, anyone who has such confidence in American competitiveness long term is not someone who is working in a high skilled profession in America.


Junior Member
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Jai Hind fella, you ought to really understand and or at least live in America to understand the s..t you're talking about because your posts come across generic and lifted from someone else's myopic views about China.

The whole China as ww2 US analogy is a more rosy perspective that assumes there won't be war in Asia, but rather distant conflicts where China only plays a proxy role.

A less rosy perspective is that the situation between China and US is similar to the one between Japan and Qing China in the early 1900s.

China has spent 200 years being a relative backwater, but has now decisively modernized to being the leader in the region/world. Its industry and productivity surpasses all it's neighbors. Like Japan, China modernized into a hostile world, surrounded by stubborn tributaries and vassals of its historic rival.

On the other side, you have the whole US empire, which is not just the US mainland, but also Japan, Philippines, SK and possibly India. They outnumber China in population and resources but not in industry. Like the Qing China of old, the US empire is not a solid entity but a loose coalition of "warlords". And similarly they embarked on a mission of modernization through the tech and trade war, but this modernization hasn't succeeded in bringing major industrial improvements.

There are differences because China is not a warlike society. But nevertheless maybe China will not have a choice, because what else is China to do if the tributaries of US remain stubborn and obstruct Chinese growth at every turn? China cannot suffer vassal states like Philippines brushing up to it all the time.

Also while US industrial capability today may mocked by many, we do not know how it will look 50 years later. What if huge US allies such as India can modernize? What if increased TFR in US gives them more disposable workforce compared to China's future lessened population?
If the whole enormously populated US empire united and modernize just a little bit under an effective government, they may become stronger than China.

So under that paradigm, China should mobilize its whole society and strike first, or at least strike the moment it realizes US will begin effective modernization. Only by partitioning US empire can China's long term security be guaranteed.


The financial complexity argument is necessarily related to the technological complexity. As firms get more complex so to, do their financing needs and their investor risk preferences. Being able to create financial instruments that mediate between the two is necessary to sustain corporate growth. Case in point - Baidu, Alibaba, and Tencent - the most successful Chinese software publishers, all grew up on American VC. That is not a coincidence, US equity Capital allowed for meeting the unique needs of equity software investors that couldn’t be matched with common equity or bonds
According to your argument, the US should be the number 1.

Modus operandi of the West's psy-op against China: Western "China experts" must be brainwashed by Western institutions, and Western journalists can't stay long term in China so they can't learn the language and see the truth.

Free speech, LMAO #1

Free speech, LMAO #2


Registered Member

The plot thickens, could Pavel have been a triple agent?
He is just a marketing person to increase Arabic Soft Power. his arrest increased Telegram downloads.
think about it why will he operate a firm where the Premium Private Schools teachers salaries are not even discussed. you need to pay top employees well to reside in Villas and afford those schools.
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Durov himself leads a lavish lifestyle, with manners reminiscent of figures like Steve Jobs. He typically dresses in black and doesn't mince words when attacking his rivals. His Instagram account, with 1.2 million followers, features a vast array of photos of him posing like a model.