Minsk and Kiev

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Bow Seat
VIP Professional
FriedRiceNSpice said:
Minsk and Kiev are very vulnerable to submarines. And also, they lack the systems to defend themselves from large-scale air assualts. Finally, any dedicated surface taskforce of missile destroyers and frigates can take down two unprotected carriers.

Hum... armament of the Minsk and Kiev

2 SA-N-3 Goblet twin launchers [72]
2 SA-N-4 Gecko twin launchers [40]
8 SS-N-12 Sandbox tubes [16]

4 76.2-mm/59-cal AA (2 twin)
8 30-mm/65-cal AK-630 close-in (8 multi-barrel)

10 21-in (533-mm) torpedo tubes


Bow Seat
VIP Professional
MIGleader said:
your forgetting its anti sub rockets and the fact it can carry helixs or attack copters.

12 or 13 Yak-38 Forger VSTOL
14 to 17 Ka-25 Hormone or Ka-27/29 Helix

I didn't find it for the AS rocket, sorry
Lets put it this way...
Minsk and Kiev engage a US Carrier Battle Group. What happens?
Now, a PLAN naval task force with 3 carriers, 10 modern destroyers, and a few dozen outdated frigates and destroyers encounter a US Carrier Battle Group. What happens?
ger_mark said:
wont happend
the americans would always know the position of all plan ships

How does that change anything? Maybe the Americans see Chinese carrier group, so then they have to move their carrier group to battle the Chinese group?


Banned Idiot
varyag, minsnk and kiev, 52 b, c, 51 b, c, maanshan, jiangwei 2, sovs and em sovs vs a nimitz, two burkes, a tico, and some sonarships and patro vessels.

not even a challenge. now this would never happen.
MIGleader said:
varyag, minsnk and kiev, 52 b, c, 51 b, c, maanshan, jiangwei 2, sovs and em sovs vs a nimitz, two burkes, a tico, and some sonarships and patro vessels.

not even a challenge. now this would never happen.

What do you mean not even a challenge? I'd say the forces are evenly matched. And you'll have 2 SovEs, 2 SovEMs, and 2 Chinese-built SovEMs along with the Luhais and 051C to form the cream of the Chinese destroyer force.

And whatever happened to the Shenzhen-Class destroyers? If you look on Sinodefence, they don't even have a page for the Shenzhens anymore. Was it renamed?


Lieutenant General
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FriedRiceNSpice said:
Lets put it this way...
Minsk and Kiev engage a US Carrier Battle Group. What happens?
Now, a PLAN naval task force with 3 carriers, 10 modern destroyers, and a few dozen outdated frigates and destroyers encounter a US Carrier Battle Group. What happens?
to attack Taiwan, China doesn't really need 3 carriers. That's why converting the Minsk and Kiev into cruisers that can carry some ASW helicopters make the most sense.
tphuang said:
to attack Taiwan, China doesn't really need 3 carriers. That's why converting the Minsk and Kiev into cruisers that can carry some ASW helicopters make the most sense.

Once again, I was referring to a major US-China conflict that could potentially take place out of the Taiwan theatre. China doesn't need any carriers against Taiwan. All Chinese fighters except for the J-7s are capable of flying missions against Taiwan 24/7 using mainland airbases.
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