Re: What's this?
well this isent sports forum

And what I recall, I made a open wonder (with hidden critisism) from a western sportmans point of wiev, why doesent China appriciate the olympics, one of the greatest things that mankind has managed to pull together....
And Im openly noob about chinese society and political/cultural stuff, mainly becouse Im not intressed of them. What I know is about military of China, and that is what this Forum is about.
And like I said we have dedicated thread for noob questions so there isen't much ground for mourning.
Kirov class is one of the most distigtive warships around and thus it should be reqocnized by all. Ofcourse none forces you to do so, but in the other hand if you dare to ask so obvious questions then you out to be repeared all the smart-assness that comes alongside it.
Now the reason why I keep jabbing about the basic knowledge stuff is becouse you cannot reasonably discuss and analyze chinese military if you don't have any clue of the bigger picture and how the things are runned in other parts of the world. You cannot reflect the narrow knowledge to anything that you don't know. Thats one of the major reasons for nationalistic boasting and over-estimations that are so common in all these forums.
And you have been here long enough to know my style and you and everyone else should know that I don't give ***** about what some other forums think of us...numbers speak from themselves. We still hold highest quality of discussion over chinese military.
So I apologize if I hurt your feelings but like I said, you need to be redy for feedback...