If I understand the Airbus concept correctly the aircraft is protected from overstressing by pilot commands by the software.
Indonesia is large. The distance from Medan to Merauke is larger than from New Foundland to Ireland, but there are plenty of islands to build weather radar to advise pilots of ways to avoid the worst of the weather.
You are of course correct master delft, and one reason I do NOT like to fly the Airbus on my flight sim X is that it will not allow you to bank much steeper than 45 degrees, and I would imagine pitch is limited to 20+ or 20- negative, back to our test flight, stay tuned, I am at 25,000 with the throttles to the wall and 180knts indicated, I may increase that to 200 to see if that helps climb rate???
Okay this is Air Asia flight 320 with you at 32,000 and approx. 230knts IAS, throttles to the wall, I will overshoot my altitude by approx. 1000 ft to see if we can get the IAS to about 330knts IAS, back to you momentarily. std by Air Asia out.
Air Asia, with you at approx. 32,000, IAS is approx. 320 IAS, in a shallow dive, I will level at 32,000 and initiate a max pitch to the vertical, I am imagining that the pitch will max out at around 40 degrees but I will attempt to note that, I will maintain max pitch until the airpspeed falls off the clock, remember, IAS is about 2/3 or less of my actual airspeed which should be about 550knts true??maybe a little better???? OK< Titen your lap and shoulder harness this will get interesting, because I am going to attempt to create an aerodynamic stall, the FCS likely will not let that happen, but we will hold wings level and full aft stick, and we will likely create a very high sink rate??? ready, ok on my mark, 3, 2, 1, "pulling max pitch". air asia 320, out of 32,000 for 40,000ft. Air Asia 320.
Air Asia 320, max pitch angle has pegged at 32 degrees positive on the attitude indicator, I am getting a warning on the same attitude indicator, my approx. rate of climb was around 8,000-10,000+ fpm, my present altitude is 41,000 ft, I am at 110knots indicated airspeed, rate of climb is slowing, I am on a heading of 360degrees, wings level, so we will see the altitude top out here, and I will maintain heading with full aft stick, a side stick by the way, and I will report back to you our rate of decent and whether or not we got any divergent roll or yaw, I expect none???? so we are test pilots now, I'll try not to scare you, but we will be soon going zero G, the airplane will be unloaded, hope you didn't have a heavy breakfast, and your baggy is in that side pouch below your right elbow, you may want to go ahead and get that out please, you make a mess and you clean it up, and snug up those shoulder harness, it will make you feel a lot more secure, here we go, Air Asia 320, reporting, and out.
Ok, Air Asia 320 back with you, full aft pitch did induce -15degrees nose down, full aft pitch, decent at approx. -6,000+ fpm to approx. 36,500, full throttle and full aft stick, the airplane has climbed back to 41,000, positive rate of pitch has stabilized at 30+ above the horizon, I'm going leave the throttles at full, accelerating to max IAS at 32,000, and initiate a hard pull with full aft stick, and full right aileron deflection, I really don't know what to expect myself, although our first test was very successful and NO surprises, it did roll left and right, but that is because I wasn't giving wings level my full attention, OK, ready, keep that bag handy, we don't want any surprises that way, and you look very sharp in that uniform, OK stand by, beginning our high rate of decent to 32,000, we will reach approx. -2 or 3Gs so you will feel quessy, hang on, we are still perfectly safe, here we go????
OK, Air Asia 320 back with you, as you are well aware we did decend to an altitude of 32,000 and an IAS of 360knts, where-upon we applied full aft stick and descended through 31,000 and soon after establishing a positive rate of climb with full throttle, and full aft stick, gave full right aileron deflection, what initially appeared to be a hard right climbing turn proceeded to approx. 39,000 ft, nose level momentarily, right bank angle 60+, (this is a surprise to me) hang on this will get interesting. Ok nose beginning to fall through the turn, full aft stick, full right aileron deflection, nose initially stabilizing at -25degrees nose down, wings overbanking to approx. 80 degrees of right bank, throttle left to the wall, aircraft accerating very rapidly now, nose following through -45 degrees, we are moving 450knots IAS, the ASI is pegged out, nose falling through 60 degrees, bank angle still at 80 degrees right bank, we are over mountains and getting very low, I am attempting to roll wings level and leaving the pitch input at full aft stick deflection??????
how did this turn out, not well at all, I was very surprised that the A321 was able to reach a bank angle of nearly 90 degrees, the nose fell through with full aft stick, and the VSI and ASI pegged out, as we accelerated through 450knts IAS and likely -25,000fpm rate of decent, the nose seemed to stabilize at approximately 65 to 70 degrees below the horizon...