Lessons for China to learn from Ukraine conflict for Taiwan scenario

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Jingle Bells

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I believe this is some new "actions" by NATO that should garner everyone's attention:

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Basically speaking, the warfare of today and in the future is not merely limited to physical, but also mental. This kind of warfare is called "cognitive warfare", or in layman terms, "battle for the brain".

Being the absolute senior in such warfare, and with the near total monopoly of the mass media and social media networks worldwide, I believe the West has the upper hand as of current time. This is very evident by how easily the West is shaping the world's opinion regarding the current war in Ukraine.

China would need to learn, do and battle harder and more intensely if she wants to win this warfare on a holistic level.

This is especially true for Taiwan - Winning the minds and hearts of the Taiwanese over is very vital to disuade and break the independence and resistance spirit of the ROC government and the ROCAF.

And don't forget about the rest of the world too - The image of China MUST be raised and upheld in order to garner worldwide support for China's reunification efforts (which is something I believe China would need to put in extra effort into).
Actually, “Cognitive Warfare” (认知作战)has already started. If you really spend time on the Chinese internet, you will know how fast the Chinese people have learned.

In fact, I would say that, ever since Trump came into power, the public opinion as well as atmosphere in China have made huge stride in getting out of US-led global liberal-democratic Value oriented political positions and ideas. You see the sharp rise of many prominent (what I would call) neo-pro-China Chinese internet personalities. As well as the rise of a zealously pro-China and anti-"Western-Slave"(反殖人/反洋奴)Cantonese speaking internet personalities on YouTube.

Chinese people are NOT slow on this.


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Just my two cents.

I think another obvious lesson for China to take away from the Russian - Ukraine war. Is the West's ability to sanction and plunder Russian overseas wealth. The assets of both private and public Russian figures have been frozen by Western banks, leasing firms, and institutions. Not only is money frozen, but also assets like property, football clubs, and yachts.

What did the West do with that money? I suspect, its to bankroll their war support to Ukraine. Those weapons, supplies, mercenary salaries, probably paid for by money stolen from the Russians. Why I think like this? They did the same thing with Iraq, Libya, Syria, Venezuela, and most recently, Afghanistan. Venezuela is the most obvious example. The West had frozen Venezuelan funds in their banks. And then they gave that money to Juan Guaido to fund his political campaign and blackops operations. Funds frozen from Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Afghanistan were also frozen and used to fund black activities against them.

For China, this danger is ever more imminent. The Trump administration had laid the US foundations to do such things to China via their Hong Kong, Tibet, and Xinjiang Acts. Trump had attempted to blame China for Covid-19 to claim reparations. I think the plunder did not happen on China at that time because they chickened out. There were too many unknowns. Now, they have already done it to Russia. They will have tasted blood, and might itch to do the same to China.

Off course, the long term concequences of such blatant plunder by the West is dire indeed. But the Western leaders are not long term thinkers. Plus their economies are getting quite desperate.

What China would need to do is to try to move as much Chinese funds out Western countries as possible. It is quite impossible to get them all out at this point. The interconnection of Chinese and Western economies is too extensive. But its better to save every billion possible. Secondly, China needs to try to find a way to harden its economy to Western crippling sanctions. Come up with clear laws to seize Western assets in China, if the West attempts the same type of plunder in China.

I know that the West cannot punish China economically like it did with Russia. China can bite back with vastly more venom than Russia. But if Trump or another nutjob Sinophobic US president (like Pompeo) comes into power by 2024, who can really tell? Better for China to prepare for this, than to assume that it will never happen. Because touch wood, if a conflict were to happen in Taiwan. The US and the West will surely pounce on China with sanctions.



I certainly hope PLA doesn't fight like what they display here.
I was shock when seeing the PLA soldier blowing horn to signal his comrades to forward. This should only happen in WWII when the Eighth-Route army (八路军) fought the Japanese.
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