"a great excuse for them to join the direct American war effort"At no time did I say that this is an innocent passage, only that Indonesia allowed allied air operations in its ADIZ against China while in the diplomatic effort they tend to adopt the supposed neutrality, that is, Indonesia did not adopt a direct stance against China, but China can take this as a direct message and attack Indonesia.
But it has Indonesian legal status. Will you believe in international endorsements more than national documents, even more so in war? Did you read the document?
That's what I've been saying since the penultimate page of this thread. haha
They will have to create a no-fly zone and risk shooting down Indonesian aircraft. What situation do you think this will create when China disproportionately responds as a miscalculation?
But that's where I'm making a provocation. Under indirect assistance, Indonesia would authorize air passage and operations in their ADIZ where they would have some national protection and support, but in direct air operations, they would not engage in combat against China, if China has the excuse to start bombing and shooting down Indonesian aircraft would be a great excuse for them to join the direct American war effort against China. Or do you think they will adopt neutrality at the risk of potential conflict with China? I can already tell you that this is very weak evidence.
Just as a comparison, I'm answering exactly this comment of yours:
That is, Indonesia would adopt a neutral stance in the diplomatic field and would not openly take sides, but would indirectly help the American war effort against China, this is very different from an aid in the direct war effort such as allowing ships to dock and allowing the takeoff and landing of American aircraft in the national territory. It's all a matter of perspective.
I.e. A great excuse for them to reduce their own population drastically for pretty much nothing.
Why would they voluntarily get bombed? Indonesia does not have a powerful military. A single 052 or a pair of 054 could sink the whole Indonesian navy by themselves. Nor do they have anything to prove by fighting a war that will cause immense destruction to their homeland.
Neutrality and just ignoring downed missiles and planes in their airspace seems to be the smartest choice, for survival.