You are totally misunderstanding the concept of People's War btw.
People's War is not to conduct warfare with random masses of people, the actual war fighting was still done by professional soldiers, just under different tactical conditions. The objective was to pull the more traditional armies away from the urban centres where their logistics were strong and into the countryside where rural support could better support smaller units and seize the advantage.
It is not foolproof either, a professional army can easily defeat this tactic. The communist guerillas in Malaysia were defeated by the British forces because the British were willing to commit genocide/mass killings, burning villages and forced relocations, and intimidate the population with public executions.
Not true. People's war is about how to mobilize people and do whatever they can except directly facing well-trained well-equipped enemies. Mass killings don't work because that not only means guerillas lost their supporters but so do the invaders. You can't get resources and products from land without anyone alive. If you want to build real control over somewhere, like Iraq or Afghanistan, either you kill everyone and get people who support you, which just costs too much, or you need local people to cooperate with you, and get you enough resources and products to pay for your army's further operation. If you can't, you will have to pay the price with a huge amount of money, resources, and lives. Like Americans did in the middle-east.
The core idea of people's war, in short, is to treat your people well in the correct ways, then they can give you huge support you have never seen. To do this, you need to help your people live better and get their support, not in words but in actions.
Like, suppose there is a group of enemies heading toward us, how many are they? Do they have trucks, tanks, or heavy artillery? Treat your people well, soon you find that people who support you are your eyes. Again, this is not letting them face the enemy directly, but just telling you what they see during their days, like sending some photos to specific telegram channels. Both Ukraine and Russia are asking their people to do things like that. So as an example, Russians rather send key information to specific pro-Russian channels than just Twitter. These pro-Russia channels gather and filter out valid information and send them to their government for free, which save a lot of work for Russian intelligence.
Now I use what happened once in my motherland during WW2 as an example. Our people tell us what they see, get medicine from the city for us,.etc. In return, our soldiers help them with production, farming, and business. Build hidden military factories of our own in the middle of the mountain, and make sure we can get guns and ammo by ourselves. Tell the farmers to evacuate to the hidden shelter nearby built by soldiers and locals when the Japanese army comes to execute mass killing (yes, the Japanese Army during WW2 did a lot of massacres in China, which is why they happened to be fascist), and rebuild villages for locals after enemy set every house they find on fire. Fight against our enemy at their weakest point, sell or deliver some of the captured goods especially food to the starving people, for free or at a very low price. Send party members to the villages, negotiate with our people, know what they need, get them what we can give, live and work with them, and win their support and trust. Organize people who trust us with elite party members (elite here means trained for how to get these things done, most of them have good records) as leaders, defend their village if possible, hide people into shelters when necessary, call our army to help,.etc. The key is, people support their army (and party, government), army (and party, government) must support people in return(which is why our army is called the people's army). People won't support local guerillas from the beginning, for supporting guerrillas may mean the death of the whole village/town/city. But you must make them believe that you can help them live better while getting more invaders killed, not just a day or two, but months even years, decades. In this way, your enemy can't get enough resources to support their further operation, while we can.
We build a strong connection between our people and the army/the government/the party. Only when we are a whole, we can support each other and make everyone's lives better.
One may say that things have changed by technology. True. But people still can help you in many ways. They can hide ammunition and guns in certain places, and donate money and drones(Russians donate a lot of DJI drones to their army). After some special training, volunteers can be good drone operators, who send all things they get to a special military officer, who did the professional intelligence stuff. Civilians can help you do the construction stuff, cover the whole thing up, and make a small town into a well-covered trap for enemies like the Israeli or American army (those things are happening right now in the middle east, modern people's war is going on there. Search Hezbollah). Local media can help you send false Info to your enemy(Ukraine), correct false info sent by your enemy, and tell your people what is going on, which is what Russia is doing now(actually they are doing quite well, on Russia's internet).
The outfit of the people's war changes a lot. But the core idea, to treat your people well in the correct ways, then they can give you huge support you have never seen, is still working to this day.
This is also what makes our party the party. To treat your people correctly, to make them trust you and support you with real actions in the long term, you need to do things well for them in the long term. This is why Xi's anti-corruption campaign is defined as important as the existence of the party. For if the corruption goes too far, the party will lose what makes it the party and will surely fall soon.
Poor English, sorry for that.