Lessons for China to learn from Ukraine conflict for Taiwan scenario

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These kinds of drones are too small to strap missiles onto.
So I thought about another idea, but I don't think it'll be that effective, still I'll give a it a shot. What if the the drone is armed with anti-material rounds or HE rounds and a firing mechanism? maybe a grenade launcher attachment?


Registered Member
I know that Gitee is available in China. I'm not sure how popular it is though.
Huawei has their Harmony OS related repos on Gitee. I see they have some integration with WeChat.

I just made a account a while ago just to secure a username I like to use on those sort of services.
Don't think I will make use of Gitee any time soon tho im to invested in the github ecosystem.


Lieutenant General
Strap a bomb to one of those things...

Maybe, but I can see China holding reservations about deploying automatous lethal drones, especially in an urban environment. Especially in the scale we will likely see such drones deployed in to clear urban areas en mass and quickly. In addition, strapping a useful sized explosive payload on these drones will dramatically reduce their range, endurance and agility. And I imagine these are fairly expensive (comparatively speaking) to just use as suicide bombs like that.

Maybe they will deploy such a version, but I think those will be used for specialist and limited applications, such as to breach and clear an enemy strong point in a position hard to reach with conventional artillery etc. Although they already got their flying hand grenade for such applications, which is probably a lot cheaper per unit.

Instead I can see such drones being used to sweep ahead of friendly troops to spot ambushes and flag enemies. Soldiers will still need to clear buildings to flush out hiding enemies, but it should be much safer and quicker with these drones as early warning.

I can also see these drones being deployed to support armoured advances to sweep buildings either side to keep all those windows and rooms secured as your forces move up.

Drones spot enemy ATGM/RPG/Sniper teams and upload position data to friendly armour or heavier armed drones, who sends HE death at flagged targets, with more drones and friendly troops moving in after to mop up anything that survives.

As drones run low on battery/ammo, they can be swapped out with backups and the entire push can advance with constant drone fleet support.


New Member
Registered Member
So I thought about another idea, but I don't think it'll be that effective, still I'll give a it a shot. What if the the drone is armed with anti-material rounds or HE rounds and a firing mechanism? maybe a grenade launcher attachment?
What are you trying to accomplish by firing a HE round from a drone? A much simpler solution would be to fly kamikaze drones instead. Less complex and more lethal / accurate.


Registered Member
What are you trying to accomplish by firing a HE round from a drone? A much simpler solution would be to fly kamikaze drones instead. Less complex and more lethal / accurate.
Persistent fire. A grenade launcher on a quadcopter doesn't just shoot once.
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Registered Member
So I thought about another idea, but I don't think it'll be that effective, still I'll give a it a shot. What if the the drone is armed with anti-material rounds or HE rounds and a firing mechanism? maybe a grenade launcher attachment?
Yep I've talked about mini helicopter gunships before. I think they'd definitely work. A 7.62 mm light machine gun and/or a 20 mm grenade launcher on a truck transportable quadcopter would be devastating in urban warfare, providing highly persistent fire to odd angles that artillery and tanks can't reach.


New Member
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Persistent fire. A 30 mm grenade launcher on a quadcopter doesn't just shoot once.
It will, because recoil will most likely screw up its gyros and electronics. Also, grenade launchers are relatively useless against bunkered / hardened targets, which the first phase of the conflict will no doubt target.


Registered Member
It will, because recoil will most likely screw up its gyros and electronics. Also, grenade launchers are relatively useless against bunkered / hardened targets, which the first phase of the conflict will no doubt target.
Recoil can be corrected for or reduced.

Urban warfare isn't just about hardened targets, lots of regular buildings that aren't especially hardened but are still a pain to clear.


Most of these so called Western military experts are just lazy and repeat the same thing again and again. China's military is strongly influenced by Russia but have drifted away from Russian war doctrine and weapons years ago. Even during the Korea War, China war fighting isn't the same as Russia.
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