Lessons for China to learn from Ukraine conflict for Taiwan scenario

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Chinese have historically been almost equally brutal in brother wars as in foreign wars. See (in reverse chronological order) Chinese Civil War, Taiping Rebellion, Three Kingdoms, etc. Chinese being on the other side has never been a deterrent.
That's the mindset needed if a war does happen.
am wondering if a window sniper can be identified by a drone armed with thermal imaging and AI facial recognition?
any human that moves, even staying stationary behind a window, once gets picked up can be dealt with by drone launched grenades or automatic rifles.
this is high-tech urban warfare, something the Russians have not shown to be capable of, or at least not shown publicly.
but we have repeatedly seen China demonstrating such high-tech drones and unmanned fighting vehicles. will Russia buy such equipment from China, and would China sell when asked?
Thermal imaging doesn't work well through glass. But it's not necessary to use AI (apart from fear factor). Just have a human operator decide whats a threat and what isn't.


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If this has not been posted, github banned Russian accounts without warning.

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Russian software developers are reporting that their GitHub accounts are being suspended without warning if they work for or previously worked for companies under US sanctions.

According to Russian media outlets, the ban wave began on April 13 and didn't discriminate between companies and individuals.

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Despite Github
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they will continue to offer open source services “to all, including developers in Russia”, some Russian developers got suspended from GitHub without warning.

According to Russian media outlets, starting on April 13 Github started banning Russian companies and individual developers alike, with no warning.

I hope that China-based users of github, gitlab, etc., personal or not, have started migrating, or at least making daily backups.

By the way, does anyone know of any China-based service similar to github/gitlab?


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If this has not been posted, github banned Russian accounts without warning.

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I hope that China-based users of github, gitlab, etc., personal or not, have started migrating, or at least making daily backups.

By the way, does anyone know of any China-based service similar to github/gitlab?
I know that Gitee is available in China. I'm not sure how popular it is though.


Lieutenant General
I find it odd the US strategy over China vis-à-vis the Russian/Ukraine war which makes me think it's all a big bluff. Just like Trump used up all leverage with China over trade. Deny chips not to prevent China from having them but making China surrender to every US demand in order for the chips to keep coming. They just never thought China would go domestic. Now the US has no leverage for something more serious. Whatever language they use from cancelling or the economic nuclear option... just for not China calling Putin's war an "invasion". If they did everything to China that they're doing to Russia for invading Ukraine when China hasn't invaded Taiwan... if they were to, what does China have to lose in helping Russia? They already cancelled or economically nuked China. Why not attack Taiwan? They're already doing the punishment before the crime. That's why it seems it's a bluff. Everything they don't want China to do only increases the likelihood of it happening. Then when the US talks from the other side of their mouth, they want some understanding with China so the world doesn't fall into two Cold War camps. That's what would happen if the West were to carry out their cart-before-the-horse threats. China would have a lot better standing in the world if the West carried out their threats first when China has done nothing to justify any of their threats. The dangerous thing is arrogant and ignorant Americans thinking they'll come out clean when it's over like some Americans think they'll win in a nuclear exchange.


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I think the PLA may shock the world with how high tech they are at urban warfare.

The early adoption of drones and unmanned ground combat vehicles by the PLA is very noteworthy. Especially the things they are researching are extremely relevant to urban combat, with swarm drone dynamic obstacle avoidance in complex 3rd environments, and automatic tracking of individual in said environments.

They also have whole catalogs of heavy flying rotor drones that can mount anything from assault rifles to automatic grenade launchers and missiles. These things will make short work of rooftop missile teams and window snipers.

Rather than send in infantry to search buildings the old fashioned way, I think there is a good chance they will send in swarm drones that can quickly scan entire buildings.

This speeds things up massively since the majority of rooms and buildings will be empty of enemy. So you can afford to focus your forces to breach and clear the buildings and rooms where the enemy are actually holed up. If they got civilian human shields. Tank rounds will probably do the trick if not.

Incidentally, an unofficial but ironclad policy of take no prisoners should be adopted where enemies take civilian hostages as human shields. Plausible deniability should be maintained in terms of official Chinese government position, but there should be no doubt left in the minds of ROC defenders of their fate should they stoop so low as to take their own civilians as human shields in battle.

I would also expect there to be a fair amount of police units involved in urban combat operations. Both in terms of providing the specialist swat teams got room clearing and hostage rescue, but also for the mundane tasks of processing civilians like taking biometrics and other personal details, as well as field forensic analysis, such as swabs for gunpowder and explosive residue on all civilians to screen for infiltrators.

Strap a bomb to one of those things...



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Strap a bomb to one of those things...

What if its strapped with a small missile instead, for a drone strapped with a bomb to be effective, it'll need to be at distance where the enemy would be able to hear it and be able to shoot it down. With a missile instead, the drone can stay at a safer distance, and also be reloaded if the retrieval is successful, unlike bomb drones which is one time use.

Edit: Perhaps a drone strapped with loitering munition?


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What if its strapped with a small missile instead, for a drone strapped with a bomb to be effective, it'll need to be at distance where the enemy would be able to hear it and be able to shoot it down. With a missile instead, the drone can stay at a safer distance, and also be reloaded if the retrieval is successful, unlike bomb drones which is one time use.

Edit: Perhaps a drone strapped with loitering munition?

These kinds of drones are too small to strap missiles onto.
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