Good list, but most, if not all of these points really shouldn’t be needed to be highlighted since they are just well known and well established basics of warfare strategy.
And yet, Russia didn't follow many of them.
Sometimes air dominance isn't necessary as long as you have dominance somewhere. For example it would be ridiculous if PLAN couldn't move a single destroyer or sub until PLAAF got air dominance... PLAN needs to be doing it's own thing to establish naval dominance concurrently, and rely on naval aviation and SAMs, not just wait for the air force or rocket forces.
Read again:
"If you don't have a plan/capacity to establish air dominance in the opening phase, don't launch, you're not ready."
There is nothing stopping you from maneuvering naval/land units during the opening phase concurrently. I don't know where you got that limitation from the above statement.