There is an over-representation of Tibetan soldiers here.Last time it was 56 names and now is 38 names in Chinese.
According to Ethnic Composition of the PLA () published by the government of China statistics bureau, there are currently only 6933 Tibetan soldiers in the PLA out of an entirety of 2,498,600 strong. We have plenty of evidence showing that Tibetan PLA ground force soldiers serve not only in the Tibetan Military District, but also in all of what is covered in the Western Military District (which include the Western Military District and three sub districts directly commanded by the PLA Ground Force Central command: Tibetan Military District, Xinjiang Military District and South Xinjiang Military District, 西藏军区,新疆军区 and 南疆军区).
Even if all Tibetan PLA soldiers serves in the Western Military District's many ground forces equally distributed, it would still be only around 6933 in a total of more than (at least) 300,000 strong. This gives 2.3 men out of 100. Yet in this list of 38, there are 3 Tibetans.
We know that more Tibetan PLA soldiers in the Ground Force serves in the Tibetan Military District. However, the Ladakh Flash point is located in the defense zone of Xinjiang Military District (新疆军区) and South Xinjiang Military District (南疆军区)。It is known that very few Tibetans soldiers serving in these two units, we can reasonably expect that less than 2.3 men out of 100 serves in these units. So, why is there an over-representation of Tibetan soldiers and not even one Uyghur, Kazakh or other Xinjiang minority soldiers? There are 6023 Uyghur soldiers and 565 Kazakh soldiers in the PLA.