I do believe there was at least one died on PLA side.
And it's very bad and wrong idea for PLA to not disclose their casualties to save face for their opponent. That's just absurd logic and indicator that till this day China doesn't know how to handle India's aggressive behavior and encroachment.
Maybe it made sense in 1962 when China didn't know India well. But 2020?
Regardless what number China may provide, India can find their own ladder and come down themselves. After all, whatever number China says would just be mocked at, not just by India, but also Western media at large.
Hiding PLA casualties can only enbolden further aggressiveness from India side - it's easily seen as a sign of weakness in public eye, it's a disgrace and betrayal to those sacrificed their lives.
What China needs to do is to train India's behavior, both society and military. And hiding your own casualties in the name of saving your opponent's face can only do the opposite. From my observation, any goodwill from China side is seen as sign of weakness. And it's been like this for decades. This has to stop.
Now India is awarding their men medals. Rest assured, they will come back again.
What PLA is doing to their men? Just silent. Don't ever tell me this is the right approach. It is not. It is stupid, and it is weak.