Ladakh Flash Point

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Of course dialectical materialism admits no such thing, what it really is is "天助自助者" or "heaven help those who help themselves".
also helps when hostile states are ruled by a rapacious oligarchy separate from reality.


Lieutenant General
Well, to be fair to the Indians, why do you need so much ammo when the majority of your standing army can be expected to be obliterated in the opening hours and days of any war with China?

When you discount their force numbers by realistic attrition, their ammo stocks would last longer than the war as they will run out of men and machines long before they get to shoot all that ammo.


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The Indian army generals like our friend, V. K. Singh will never understand why China is practice firing 105mm APFSDS rounds in the snow and fog at Rutog. Those Type-15 fire-control computers needs APFSDS ballistics calibration data for the Ladakh environment. Since APFSDS is clearly overkill for BMPs, Mahindra Jeeps, and Tata trucks. Its definitely intended for any anticipated Indian T-72s and T-90s. Its all thanks to the Indian media hyping up the T-72s and T-90s in Ladakh. How is that for China underestimating 'Superpower' India? But off course, no one in the Free World is gonna hear about it.

So what then has 'Superpower' India done since flying in a couple of T-90s to Ladakh for posing in front of the cameras? We have so far, seen zero Indian live-fire tank exercises at high altitude environment. Well, off course not. For India, those live-fire exercises are so 1962. Today, India practices the "Mouth Exercise"; carried out by Indian media folks, ex and current military men, and politicians. That is more powerful, because the whole world can hear it. Jai Hind!
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Apparently 97% accuracy rate against fixed targets simulating the frontal profile of MBTs at 1KM.

What is more important is that they are collecting data for high altitude usage in inclement weather conditions. This is not possible for armies with only enough ammos for 9 days.
Its always possible, just ask the Defence Minister to please import more ammo. That is if he will actually listen.

But off course, Defence Minister had other priorities for his budget. Like more overpriced jets, which brings little effect to change the balance of power. And off course, to keep the retired army boys happy. So that they will say the 'right things' on TV. To the bosses above, vanity (and ahem... lined pockets) is always more important that practicality. Jai Hind!
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