Ladakh Flash Point

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This Maoist doctrine of "People's War" where you draw the enemy into your own territory should have died with Mao. Unfortunately, Chinese people are masters of making virtues out of necessities long past the point where the "necessities" are even applicable. It's completely pathological and irrational thinking, like a billionaire who compulsively clips grocery coupons. It's also the reason that China still doesn't have a nuclear arsenal commensurate to its stature to this day. A lot of Chinese people seem unable to believe their own success and it's a sorry sight to see such a loser mentality.

Would the US adopt such a strategy if Mexico harboured serious ambitions of reconquering the territories it lost? If a US general suggested the US army should "lure" Mexico into Texas and California before routing them, he'd be shot on the spot. If China observes India making serious preparations to invade China beyond these silly border games, China destroys India - end of story. It is repugnant to even consider a single Indian boot (or flip-flop, given the state of the Indian "army") on uncontested Chinese soil.
It's not the same case, areas close to India in south Tibet unlike Califonia and Texas is nearly (If not completely) uninhabited.

Given the huge gap in tech, China could also set up a kill zone on the Indian side of the border, but it would be valid to set it up on the Chinese side of the border as well. Allowing India to cross a small bit into uninhabited and unfamiliar Chinese territory before starting a combined arms attack.

Doing so would be more safe than having PLA set up an encirclement in unfamiliar Indian soil. If a war kicks off, based on other conflicts between developed and non developed militaries, we're looking at most likely dozens to high hundreds of casualties for China. Whether it will be the former or the latter depends on how clean China uses its advantages.

America and saudi used this strategy against Iraq, where they baited iraqi forces into invading Saudi Arabian territory first, so they could be destroyed in a short amount of time. But its questionable if India would fall for the same trick if a war actually started.


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Isn't Malacca Straits well within DF-26's 4000km range?
You see where I'm going with this.
Yeah, that's why a blockade there would never work. China can just keep taking potshots using missiles and submarines. Especially missiles there isn't anything USN let alone IN can do against it.

If they limit themselves to the straits, they expose their position to the PLA. Even not considering the idiocy of checking every random flagged ship, by being in the malacca straits, an aggressor will constantly bleed warships.

Only way to blockade China is by doing it outside the range of risk free PLA response weapons, I.e. do it in the Pacific or the Middle East. Its questionable if even USN has enough ships to do that, and India most definitely doesn't.


Registered Member
And I remember a couple of weeks back, some Indian general said the PLA had very low quality winter gear. Now who's talking?
Well, those 'low quality' winter gear have still kept PLA soldiers safe. While those US supplied winter gear didn't stop bodybags of frozen Jawans from returning home.

Everything is going as plan. For China, its got India where it wanted. For India, as BS Dhanoa likes to think, India doesn't mind this.

Chinese soldiers are single-child wussies. So they stayed alive because they are cowards. Jawans are brave and tough. So a few deaths from the cold wouldn't scare them. Wonderful Indian logic. Long may it continue.

Don't interrupt an enemy when he is making a mistake. As Napoleon like to put it. China is better off letting India continue further down its own mistake. There are few things more satisfying than watching your enemy fall into your manipulation and destroy himself.


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They keep blaming China for this and other economic problems. That's why they will be stuck in the middle income trap.

Middle income? They barely made that as per world bank defination. They are classify as lower middle income..... just. Where as China is breaking out to the upper middle income classification any time soon.

Talk about squandering their inheritance. You just can't believe how much of head start they had on China in 1949.


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Talk about squandering their inheritance. You just can't believe how much of head start they had on China in 1949.
Seems legit... you know what they say, wealth usually don’t survive beyond 3 generations, the generation that made it, the first generation to inherit it and the generation that destroys it... if the first gen independent India is considered 2 gen wealth then current gen will use it all up and it’s gone...


Registered Member
Well, those 'low quality' winter gear have still kept PLA soldiers safe. While those US supplied winter gear didn't stop bodybags of frozen Jawans from returning home.

Everything is going as plan. For China, its got India where it wanted. For India, as BS Dhanoa likes to think, India doesn't mind this.

Chinese soldiers are single-child wussies. So they stayed alive because they are cowards. Jawans are brave and tough. So a few deaths from the cold wouldn't scare them. Wonderful Indian logic. Long may it continue.

Don't interrupt an enemy when he is making a mistake. As Napoleon like to put it. China is better off letting India continue further down its own mistake. There are few things more satisfying than watching your enemy fall into your manipulation and destroy himself.

Well most of the people who join the military are not wussies or the privileged kids that get sent overseas to a party school because they can't sit for a day on a maths problem. There are certainly young Chinese who are not as "tough" or hardened by life as there would be in India. That's a good thing though. The same could be said about European and North American soldiers but usually those that join the military either would have the right mindset or are pretty rough individuals, often coming from underprivileged backgrounds. There are still an abundance of that in China and I'm sure the Indians have performed a lot of mental gymnastics combined with some warped and selective view of Chinese stereotypes to help themselves with their delusions.

At the end of the day both nations have soldiers that are probably more similar than they are different but that's not how a war is fought and won. In fact the posturing alone suggests India is not at all interested in even entertaining a war despite tough words, their actions speak for themselves.


Junior Member
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And I remember a couple of weeks back, some Indian general said the PLA had very low quality winter gear. Now who's talking?
His death has nothing to do with winter gear or even low temperature or location.
It was a normal death due to illness.
For example, between 2006 to June 2020, 3062 US active duty military personnels died due to various illnesses that is average of 17-18 per month.
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