Ladakh Flash Point

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hmm, they think the new commander will be more conciliatory?

Previous commander/general reached retirement age as the article says. It makes the suggestion that the retired general is rather anti-India from a more personal agenda. Who knows how accurate Hindustan Times is and how truthful and accurate their "advisors" are in the Indian authorities. I would imagine China's policy on such important matters are not determined by personal agendas at all so the person who now holds the position after the previous guy should be taking orders from higher ups. Do the generals have more power and say though? Who knows. Looks like Xi has a very tight rule on the CCP, tighter than previous presidents.


Grumpy Old Man
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Moderator - World Affairs
No, I don't see anything meaningful here. It's like saying Vietnam want to invade South China. It's nothing but a wet dream. You can't stop regular people from their wet dreams. But that doesn't mean those wet dreams have a chance of happening. China is the real power that has a real outward going global strategy and put forth real endeavors (OBOR, RCEP, etc.), India has media hit pieces and Bollywood.

Your whole premise is China provoked India to act in the border region. The fact does not support that. India has been pushing the LAC toward China for decades. China put a stop to it, that’s all. It wasn’t part of a grand strategy.
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Well, it's difficult for India to not be populist. The majority of their populations are illiterate. The population in India don't know what the outside world really is like, they are like uninformed babies. You can NOT convince them with truth and sound reasons and expect to outperform your populist opponents in ballots.
Well there is certainly some truths in what you are saying since the votes for the current Modi government are concentrated in poorer areas... I can only say that Modi’s government have great PR in India probably thanks to all the fake news institutions in the country.


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hmm, they think the new commander will be more conciliatory?

Article says "New Delhi’s assessment is that Gen Zhao had the approval of the Xi-led Central Military Commission when PLA troops carried out the initial incursion in the Finger area near Pangong Tso in late April and early May."

Is this the new Indian narrative? That the conflict started in April? Even wikipedia says the conflicted started end of May/early June.

Indian friends on this forum should inform their people to go make the changes on wikipedia as soon as possible.


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I would rather talk about things that are tangible.

Are you sure? Because it doesn't seem like you're interested in 'tangibles' at all. Case in point:

Of course regular Indian might think otherwise, but they are not the people who is actually running the country.

Do you know who is "actually running the country" in India? Have you heard of a guy called "Modi", who literally committed genocide in Gujarat? Or the "RSS" who believe in Nazi race theory? They are the ones "actually running the country." And they are more extreme than even those "regular indians" who on this very thread were talking about being the 'Waffen-SS'.

What your banking on is the sheer ineptitude of these Wehrmacht-wannabes to actually carry out blitzkriegs all over the place. But if your national security was the target of such 'wet dreams', would you wait until India actually gathered the capability to carry out its grand designs before doing anything? That would be a dumb move on every level.

It's kinda like idiotic redneck Americans thinking that North Korea want to invade the USA.

Really? These are "kinda like" the same things? India is a country of a billion people and 2.7 trillion GDP, on the border of China, while NK is a basketcase half way around the world from California. Not to mention that India is being actively encouraged by the US to be aggressive against China. The fact that you equated the two situations shows the disconnect of your entire argument from reality.

China is the real power that has a real outward going global strategy and put forth real endeavors (OBOR, RCEP, etc.), India has media hit pieces and Bollywood.

Exact same circular reasoning as many before you, i.e. assuming China is the aggressor without actually proving it. Multiple citations have been provided in this thread, including the CIA's own declassified documents, which have shown that China did indeed try to play fair with India since independence, and it was India that rejected China's overtures and refused to play fair. And this was even before Modi and the Nazi-RSS ever got into power.
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These are only true if both China and India do NOT have any control over Tibet. But that's not the case. Tibet is in PRC's full control, after decades of infrastructure building. The situation is not like that, because PLA could put their missiles almost right at the border. India's proximity to the regions means nothing because the terrain is forbiddingly bad for India's side, the steepness will kill whatever advantage of proximity. It's not like China and India are both starting from the bottom of the plateau. China already control almost all of the plateau, the weapons and supplies are already there. The missiles stationed on China's side are situated in unpopulated/scarcely-populated areas, aiming at Indian missiles launchers and airfields that are situated in densely populated areas.

The Indian narrative only works if we are still fighting a medieval war.

Frankly, the vast emptiness of terrain between Tibet and the urban center can be better described as a kill zone. If the Indians ever got crazy enough to intrude into the desolate expanse, then their entire formation would be exposed to an entire range of munitions. The limited routes and advance vectors would also channel them into mine fields.

The while Indians have more rudimentary air fields, the tactical and logistic advantage they provide is incomparable to the enhanced facilities on the Chinese side. By comparisons, the Indian air fields are exactly that, a flat field, while the Chinese facilities are depot level assets capable of supporting extensive and enduring operations.

Lastly, from an air to air perspective, Chinese AAMs would have an kinematic advantage due to altitude compare to their Indian adversary., potentially conserving second pulse for end game maneuvers.

As for naval blockade, even if somehow the Chinese allow this to happen, India has neither the asset nor the capability to distinguish 3rd nation vessels.

No, when assessed by pros, Indians hold no advantage, in the ground or in the Air.
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Junior Member
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Well there is certainly some truths in what you are saying since the votes for the current Modi government are concentrated in poorer areas... I can only say that Modi’s government have great PR in India probably thanks to all the fake news institutions in the country.

Well, from the point of view of a politician in power in China, they will not waste resources on grand plans that are infeasible. You pointed out the level of deceit in the Indian generation population. That is something in plain sight, everyone in the world sees it. Chinese leaders will not have planned a trap for a people who are cool-headed, shrewd and skeptical; because those efforts will fail. It's like scamming, scammers don't want to waste time on people who are level-headed and rational. This might seem like a negative illustration of China, but we have to know that "everything is permitted in love and war", “兵不厌诈”。

The difference between Western "Fake News" and Indian ones is that, (pardon my Marxist methodologies) the motive of Western "Fake News" is to strengthen the so-called "Universal Liberal Value" is a cultural mechanism to safeguard the existing structure of oppression upon world population by the Western Globalist Bourgeoisie. The Indians are the bottom of the hierarchy in this structure, therefore it is not in their national and class interest to propagate the exact same rhetoric. It's like slaves willing educate others on the righteousness of slavery.

For the oppressed third world, there really is only two way-out: either work to overthrow the entire system, or work to climb up the ladder. Surely the Indians do have what it takes to overthrow the system, nor do they seem to believe that they can accomplish such feat. What they should have done, is to climb up the ladder by using anti-western rhetoric as a bargaining chip: force the Western World to make way for India's place in the world.


Junior Member
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Are you sure? Because it doesn't seem like you're interested in 'tangibles' at all. Case in point:

Do you know who is "actually running the country" in India? Have you heard of a guy called "Modi", who literally committed genocide in Gujarat? Or the "RSS" who believe in Nazi race theory? They are the ones "actually running the country." And they are more extreme than even those "regular indians" who on this very thread were talking about being the 'Waffen-SS'.

What your banking on is the sheer ineptitude of these Wehrmacht-wannabes to actually carry out blitzkriegs all over the place. But if your national security was the target of such 'wet dreams', would you wait until India actually gathered the capability to carry out its grand designs before doing anything? That would be a dumb move on every level.

Really? These are "kinda like" the same things? India is a country of a billion people and 2.7 trillion GDP, on the border of China, while NK is a basketcase half way around the world from California. Not to mention that India is being actively encouraged by the US to be aggressive against China. The fact that you equated the two situations shows the disconnect of your entire argument from reality.

Exact same circular reasoning as many before you, i.e. assuming China is the aggressor without actually proving it. Multiple citations have been provided in this thread, including the CIA's own declassified documents, which have shown that China did indeed try to play fair with India since independence, and it was India that rejected China's overtures and refused to play fair. And this was even before Modi and the Nazi-RSS ever got into power.

I am not against you. I am just putting myself in their shoes. My thoughts are the things I would do if I am in their shoes and my reasonings. No doubt what you're saying is true. But in my opinion, Indian actions are futile and a waste of resources. Just like how Japanese actions in WW2 is an overall waste of time, life, money, reputation and resources.


Junior Member
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Previous commander/general reached retirement age as the article says. It makes the suggestion that the retired general is rather anti-India from a more personal agenda. Who knows how accurate Hindustan Times is and how truthful and accurate their "advisors" are in the Indian authorities. I would imagine China's policy on such important matters are not determined by personal agendas at all so the person who now holds the position after the previous guy should be taking orders from higher ups. Do the generals have more power and say though? Who knows. Looks like Xi has a very tight rule on the CCP, tighter than previous presidents.

In a higher level of structure, China already won. Because Indians are celebrating on China supposedly putting "less anti-Indian chiefs in high position". This means that Indians want to see a less anti-Indian PLA, which means that PLA is really posting a big threat to India that India can't confidently defend against. In normal circumstances, a more powerful and dominant party on the offensives should want their weaker opponent to be more aggressive, because this will give them a chance to start a decisive battle and end the conflict with a big gain. If the weaker side is level-headed, cool and carefully sitting in a impeccable defensive position, it would be much more costly for the stronger side to make real gains.
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