The cast system is the number one reason why India will never live up to its potential, with misogyny the second cause. You cannot fully unlock the potential of a billion people if you are literally treating most of them as second or third class citizens with their life prospects basically capped at birth.
One has to wonder how many great minds with world change potential were simply wasted to nothing in Indian slums because they never even got a chance to realise their true potential simply due to the unforgivable sin of being born in the ‘wrong’ cast or gender.
China is only where it is today because it gave women true equality in society and the workplace, while also providing basic education for the overwhelming majority of its citizens, and a meritocratic advancement system where the sky is the limit so long as you have the talent and tenacity to pursue your goal.
Just think of all the people who contributed most to Chinese social, economic and technological advancement over the decades since the birth of modern China, and see how many of them were born to wealthy families. And then wonder how many of them would have even gotten a chance to leave the limits of their births had China had an Indian style cast and religious system that systematically oppressed all women and everyone deemed to be of ‘lower’ casts.
I suspect there is a similarly rotten core to the Indian military, where most of the officers got their commissions due to simple accidents of birth and family/cast connections rather than actual ability and merit.
Indian troops did ok in both world wars, but then they were led by Imperial British white officers for the most part. And one really has to question the caliber of Indian officer classes given the utter nonsense so many of them have been sprouting on Twitter and Indian domestic media.