Ladakh Flash Point

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Registered Member
China made a number of grave mistakes in minority policies due to past blind faith in economic development as a national unifying factor. Contrary to expectation, economic development didn't strengthen national identity at the expense of ethnic identities, it actually strengthened ethnic identities. A lot of those mistakes are now being corrected with the introduction of national Standard Mandarin education and the move of affirmative actions programmes from ethnicity-based to social-economic class based.

China is very lucky in that the Chinese coastal areas are all ethnically homogeneous (save for Guangxi). While there are centrifugal forces in a number of minority areas, the prospect of becoming landlocked is a powerful economic deterrent toward separatist tendencies. Meanwhile major ethnic groups in South India all have ample access to the ocean. The only economic deterrence to separatism is the potential loss of the common Indian market, which is a double edged sword if the center decides to wield it. In any case such loss will be less significant if outside powers can offer market access on good terms.


Just one point to add.

It's not just the coastal areas that are ethnically homogeneous.
The homogeneous core area of China comprises 90% of the population.
And it's not luck. It's the legacy of a millennia of common heritage and governance.


Registered Member
Somewhat true except Europe does have tech sectors as collectives project or individual ones. Just not as many as for example Japan and nowhere near as much as the US.

2 things tend to happen to European companies.

1. They get bought up by their much larger US competitors
2. Or the US company uses the US market to subsidise their European/Japanese operations, until the competitors go bankrupt.


Senior Member
Fatso pampoo is about to pass out screaming :rolleyes:

The thing is that the US hasnt made any concrete steps to send military assistance to india. We have to see the context of the US elections to
understand the US position. China, right or wrong, has been the usual punching bag for the US political class in their elections for the last decade or so.

Since US president has made "america first" its political credo and he needs votes, its diplomatic hostility towards china is perfectly understandable.


Registered Member
Didn't you hear about their grand strategy to admit Russia in their quad boy band because it's sounding too much USic? :rolleyes:

How... How stupid are they actually? The very purpose of the alliance is to fight against Russia and China.

If India was in WW2 they would try to invite Great Britain into the Axis powers

Imagine being US officials and having to work with these people and give face to them. No wonder why some of them like Pompeo are always angry.


Junior Member
By not shattering and sending shards of glass everywhere

Though on second thought, have they specificed what material they are using? Hopefully they went for something like plexiglass

Putting down some hesco style barriers around those barracks wouldn't hurt either
If they are not using plexiglass, then they most likely using automobile safety glass. China is one of the world's largest manufacturer of automotive safety glass. These type of glass break into square shape pieces when shatter as in an auto accident. These type of pieces do not cut.


Staff member
Super Moderator
If they are not using plexiglass, then they most likely using automobile safety glass. China is one of the world's largest manufacturer of automotive safety glass. These type of glass break into square shape pieces when shatter as in an auto accident. These type of pieces do not cut.

When the shards are flying at high velocity then I don't think it matters if they are sharp or not.


Lieutenant General

Just one point to add.

It's not just the coastal areas that are ethnically homogeneous.
The homogeneous core area of China comprises 90% of the population.
And it's not luck. It's the legacy of a millennia of common heritage and governance.

Originally they are not but yes over century they did homogenize the culture with Han as core and absorbing the Khitan , Tangut, Mongol and Jurchen in the north And the Yi, Yue and Wu in the south physically or culturally
CGTN is now running 100 part history of China available in roku and firestick search for CGTN fascinating story
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