Ladakh Flash Point

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How would a tent or traditional barracks stand up to shelling any better?
By not shattering and sending shards of glass everywhere

Though on second thought, have they specificed what material they are using? Hopefully they went for something like plexiglass

Putting down some hesco style barriers around those barracks wouldn't hurt either


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By not shattering and sending shards of glass everywhere

Though on second thought, have they specificed what material they are using? Hopefully they went for something like plexiglass

Putting down some hesco style barriers around those barracks wouldn't hurt either

I think flying glass shards are the least of their worries if they are carpet bombed or under artillery fire. I think they went for transparent material so that the complex could be heated by sunlight.


Junior Member
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I think flying glass shards are the least of their worries if they are carpet bombed or under artillery fire. I think they went for transparent material so that the complex could be heated by sunlight.
Well of course no structure like that would survive massed air or artillery attacks, but doing some small things to harden them up a bit could serve as some extra deterrence through forcing the Indians to put in extra effort if they were to try anything.


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Moderator - World Affairs
By not shattering and sending shards of glass everywhere

Though on second thought, have they specificed what material they are using? Hopefully they went for something like plexiglass

Putting down some hesco style barriers around those barracks wouldn't hurt either

Aren't they going to die, so it doesn't matter what material it's made out of?
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Junior Member
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What about Singapore? It's very diverse and has done well.

75% Chinese. Not so diverse actually. Most importantly, its full of ethnic Chinese who have shown their absolute ability to modernize and make money. Ethnic Chinese immigrants dominate the economy of most SEA countries including Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and Philippines. They also dominate educated and professional classes such as doctors and lawyers.
Singapore is the extreme version of that dominance. It shows what an ethnic Chinese majority country can do when they are performing market economy. Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan are all examples of that. People call it the effect of Chinese culture which prizes material well being and hierarchy. Also called the confucian work ethic.

In the future, China will likely far surpass them because of the fact it is one large market full of 1.4 billion people. This market size allows economics of scale which will allow China get wealthier than smaller countries.

This is the same reason why US is much wealthier than Europe which is full of small ethnic nations with different languages. Europe also lacks a tech sector due to this various languages and cultures. I expect China to be much wealthier than Europe and Japan in 50-60 years from now.


Registered Member
75% Chinese. Not so diverse actually. Most importantly, its full of ethnic Chinese who have shown their absolute ability to modernize and make money. Ethnic Chinese immigrants dominate the economy of most SEA countries including Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and Philippines. They also dominate educated and professional classes such as doctors and lawyers.
Singapore is the extreme version of that dominance. It shows what an ethnic Chinese majority country can do when they are performing market economy. Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan are all examples of that. People call it the effect of Chinese culture which prizes material well being and hierarchy. Also called the confucian work ethic.

In the future, China will likely far surpass them because of the fact it is one large market full of 1.4 billion people. This market size allows economics of scale which will allow China get wealthier than smaller countries.

This is the same reason why US is much wealthier than Europe which is full of small ethnic nations with different languages. Europe also lacks a tech sector due to this various languages and cultures. I expect China to be much wealthier than Europe and Japan in 50-60 years from now.

Somewhat true except Europe does have tech sectors as collectives project or individual ones. Just not as many as for example Japan and nowhere near as much as the US.


By not shattering and sending shards of glass everywhere

Though on second thought, have they specificed what material they are using? Hopefully they went for something like plexiglass

Putting down some hesco style barriers around those barracks wouldn't hurt either
If the barracks site going to come under attack, some shattered glass hardly make a difference when there's a saturation of steel fragments from incoming HE shells to contend with. If shelling is your worry then it'd be better going full WW1 vibe, dig a few meters deep
to set the pre-fab and then leave a meter thick of soil on top...but the heating will screw up the permafrost layer for sure.

Those are for the semi-permanent sites where it's not realistic to bring in full amenities of the modern world (basically that part of the world is the ass-end of the universe if you know what I mean), but every bit to alleviate the conditions that the garrison troops have to face goes a long way.

Also, saw that India's equivalent and compare with the Chinese I saw a major difference: Chinese barracks are elevated while India's are not. I remember watching a documentary sometime back that buildings at that part of the world is better to be like the former because building it the conventional way (i.e. the latter) the structure would become unstable rather quickly...


That's a lot of glass for something that could be on the receiving end of shelling...
I am sure they have already thought of that, decision to adopt this housing design and its materials are not decided by a single man, they would have tested and discussed in meetings after meetings.

Plexiglass or some some plastic/glass that does not break into small pieces as your later post suggested could be used.

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