Regime change in India should be a high priority of China. 5th generation warfare is coming 8nto existance now, and is fought primarily in the information domain.
China needs a laboratory to develop its "soft" offensive capabilities, and India is the best option. Strong in terns of info war, but not militarily serious enough to pose an actual threat.
Developing an unique color revolution strategy in India can be applied to Taiwan, then Australia.
An extensive thread explaining the concepts behind 5th generation warfare. Given the damage the attempted Hong Kong coup did, I think it's high time China seriously consider developing in this domain.
China needs a laboratory to develop its "soft" offensive capabilities, and India is the best option. Strong in terns of info war, but not militarily serious enough to pose an actual threat.
Developing an unique color revolution strategy in India can be applied to Taiwan, then Australia.
An extensive thread explaining the concepts behind 5th generation warfare. Given the damage the attempted Hong Kong coup did, I think it's high time China seriously consider developing in this domain.