Same playbook as with Russia. Now B-52 fly patrol along edge of russian controlled territory in Ukraine. Could also happen with India.The QUAD is entirely about India. America is trying to achieve a number of strategic objectives with that.
Firstly, America is just using the same playbook as it did during Hillary and Obama’s time in the SCS - overtly support the territorial claims of India, with behind-closed-doors promises of support to encourage India to press their claim to exasperate tensions.
The goal is to either provoke a shooting war, or at a minimum to massively damage Sino-Indian relations to make India much more receptive to American advances for formal military alliances against China.
The aim is to, in the immediate term, divert Chinese attention and resources away from the East to weaken Chinese force disposition and relieve some of the pressure on the likes of Japan and Taiwan, who’s air forces are being run ragged by the need to scramble to ‘intercept’ massive increased PLAAF air activity. With the hope of weakening Chinese Eastern force concentrations enough to make a military strike less suicidal for US and allied forces.
In the medium term, America is looking to try to open up a new front for China in the East by either using Indian forces, or basing American forces on Indian territory to pose a threat to China’s BRI, thereby elevating India in China’s threat assessment from irrelevant annoyance to credible threat.
BRI is China’s next grand project, and if successful, has the potential to render US maritime dominance irrelevant as per Mackinder’s Heartland theory. Which could isolate America and hasten its decline by promoting Asia-Europe trade and co-operation.
The further BRI extends from China, the more branches it will develop, and thus the harder it will be for America to try to counter and contain. Especially given geopolitical realities. As such trying to cut it off at source would be most effective in countering it, which can realistically only be done via India.
The long term ultimate goal for America would be to provoke a clash of civilisations between India and China, thereby locking China in a massive and prolonged war effort, which could drain Chinese resources and blood for a generation like Afghanistan has done to America.
I think Chinese strategists see the danger, which is a key reason as to why China has, and is continuing to be so restrained in the face of non-stop Indian provocations.
Luckily, it looks like China has been able to effectively deter the Indian leadership with its show of strength. All the noise we are hearing now from India is just face-saving shittalk, much like how little thugs would shittalk as they back away from a fight to try to not look like a coward to their buddies.
But we give US too much credit. US benefit from the flaws in China India relation but the flaws were already there. US did not create them.