Ladakh Flash Point

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I thought they had an ammo shortage right now. What's with the mass buying of so many different guns? It's like they are asking for another logistical nightmare.
Why don't you just ask their air force? Half of their aircraft is operating by the Russian standard and the other half by the NATO standard ... you can only begin to imagine what type of data link and maintenance nightmare they must experience.


Lieutenant General
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Why don't you just ask their air force? Half of their aircraft is operating by the Russian standard and the other half by the NATO standard ... you can only begin to imagine what type of data link and maintenance nightmare they must experience.

It is worse than that. French fighters and Russian fighters put together. Oh and Israeli weapons too.
They are using the R.550 Magic, MICA, R-73, Python missile... Just for the IR missiles!
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There seems to be some noise recently about PLA employing sonic weapons near the disputed area, not just playing music but specifically devices designed to cause vomiting and nausea after a few hours of exposure. Specifically this video of 捍卫者 air raid siren is cited as evidence of such weapon.

imagine hearing that thing blasting 24/7 when you tryna sleep, makes you want to go deaf. When l was in 1st year Uni I lived in dorms, the partying noise literally made me wish I could go deaf. Would not want to be anywhere near that thing at night....

Nobonita Barua

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They thing is if you keep on making those self aggrandizing threats frequently then no one will take you seriously. It’s like how North Korea often boasts that they’ll wipe Seoul or Tokyo off the map. After a while people just treat them as barks.
Actually NoKo can bite as they bark. That's why operation North Korea Storm never took place unlike Iraq.

Waqar Khan

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As Quad assembled the former colonists (US,Australia and Japan) and the good old colony (India) in Tokyo, the western and Indian media went into overdrive against China. India media was actually reminding the foreign minsters gathered in Tokyo to make it a proper military alliance.We will be conducting an analysis of Quad meeting and how does it impact Ladakh flash point,suggestions are welcome..bottom line, Quad is becoming an Asian NATO and Eurasian brotherhood is under threat

Nobonita Barua

Senior Member
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As Quad assembled the former colonists (US,Australia and Japan) and the good old colony (India) in Tokyo,
Finally. Some words that actually stings. Wonder when China will learn to use this instead of that 1500 years old grandpa dialogue "We firly oppose....resolutely condemn..."
China needs to use extensive psychological warfare to hurt the indians reminding them of their history & breaking them from within.

Words, if used correctly, can have very destructive consequences.

India media was actually reminding the foreign minsters gathered in Tokyo to make it a proper military alliance.We will be conducting an analysis of Quad meeting and how does it impact Ladakh flash point,suggestions are welcome..bottom line, Quad is becoming an Asian NATO and Eurasian brotherhood is under threat
I doubt about this one. Minus US ,the quad is NATO of some grandpa in wheelchair & the oranges running like headless ducks. With US, it will become US interest first.
In case of the second, US will seek complete command & control of the entire squad which i heavily doubt the wannabe supah pawah wants to provide. Regardless of their fetish to become one of the aryan tall blue eyed fair world, wannabe supah pawah doesn't want to be japan, south korea in military regards.
These are all without considering the Russian factor.


Registered Member
As Quad assembled the former colonists (US,Australia and Japan) and the good old colony (India) in Tokyo, the western and Indian media went into overdrive against China. India media was actually reminding the foreign minsters gathered in Tokyo to make it a proper military alliance.We will be conducting an analysis of Quad meeting and how does it impact Ladakh flash point,suggestions are welcome..bottom line, Quad is becoming an Asian NATO and Eurasian brotherhood is under threat
I think the Quad will happen. Its the US's best, and last chance for containing China. If you really hate China, this makes perfect sense. The Quad could be renamed into something else if they try to drag in SK, Vietnam, and other states in the future.

India being a nuclear capable military power is a useful idiot to have in the Quad. No matter how incompetent India is, nukes do matter.

The Ladakh flash point is not going anytime soon. And India wants to settle a stupid score with China. So with Uncle Sam's invitation into the Quad, it's too good to refuse for the BJP idiots. Being in the same gang as first-world imperialist countries like USA, Japan, and Australia does gives a good dose of delusional 'prestige'. It worked very well with NATO in Eastern Europe even till this day.


Junior Member
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I think the Quad will happen. Its the US's best, and last chance for containing China. If you really hate China, this makes perfect sense. The Quad could be renamed into something else if they try to drag in SK, Vietnam, and other states in the future.

India being a nuclear capable military power is a useful idiot to have in the Quad. No matter how incompetent India is, nukes do matter.

The Ladakh flash point is not going anytime soon. And India wants to settle a stupid score with China. So with Uncle Sam's invitation into the Quad, it's too good to refuse for the BJP idiots. Being in the same gang as first-world imperialist countries like USA, Japan, and Australia does gives a good dose of delusional 'prestige'. It worked very well with NATO in Eastern Europe even till this day.

LOL, nah! The Quad thing is a stupid idea!

First of all, Japan and Australia are already US allies/servants. What realistic need is there to put them in a so-called Quad? It's not as if they weren't US allies/servants before. Some might argue that "they need to strengthen bilateral defense ties". Sure, but for what? For Containing China? That's laughable, bilateral ties are insignificant for the purpose of containing China. If containing China is their main purpose, they would need first and foremost the close and intimate leadership of the USA. This Asian NATO business sounds like a joke because what determines its effectiveness for its ultimate purpose is the level of involvement of the USA, NOT how closely the other parties (small potatoes) work together.

Secondly, China is a continental power. It will, as a form of civilization, have a large and powerful army, despite whether or not this army even have a realistic potential opponent. And don't dream about turning the multi-military men strong PLA into a oversized marine/expeditionary force, that's fiscally impossible, nor desirable. After the fall of the Soviet Union, Chinese Army (PLAGF) strategically lost the importance it once had, because it lost one of its main purpose/enemy. Yet as a result of Continental Power tradition, the PLAGF will still live on and keep on developing, gobbling up resource to build strength that is not going to be used in any meaningful way. While the main potential opponent of the PLA, the US forces and her allies, are all maritime powers. They don't need to put that much resources in the army. So things were not in China's favor, in terms of optimal use of resources. UNTIL THE IDIOTIC US ADMINISTRATION AND HER ALLIES HAD THE STUPIDITY TO DRAG INDIA INTO THE MIDST.

哈哈哈哈哈, to me, this is the biggest blunder of the century. Some idiotic fat CIA spy head thought that he is smarter than Kissinger Brzezinski. You see, alliance is a double edge sword. An ally could be both your asset or your liability. In the case of India. India already issue with China, the US doesn't need to persuade India to join some king of alliance to build the Indian's animosity towards China. As for the US, Japan, and Australia, all three are effectively outlier island on the outskirt of Eurasia, they only need the navy for their containment strategy. PLAGF was redundant and meaningless in countering the US, Japan and Australia, because they are islands.. Now that India is in a Quad, the PLAGF will all of a sudden be greatly useful in countering the US, Japan and Australia (plus India), because the other three party of the Quad will have an obligation to protect India. This means that the US, Japan and Australia will start diverting resources from Navy to Army, if in case China started a land war with India. This is effectively given the control of the matter to China.

Making a Quad does NOT make the US any more or less involved. But it sounds like the US want to eventually back out of this and let the other three carry the weight of containing China.
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