Ladakh Flash Point

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A slightly similiar situation with the production schedule of the Rafale at the Dassault factory. The production of 36 Rafales over a 3 year period was set at 1 aircraft per month. If this rate seems slow, don't blame the Dassault management. The rate of production was set by the Labor Union at the factory. The production was set as slow as possible, so those unionized workers can keep their jobs long as possible.

At least Dassault makes quality goods :D.


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Does any one remember how when China revealed a new housing complex with heat/oxygen for soldiers in Tibet, some idiots started barking that the Chinese soldiers were "sissies" and "real men don't need oxygen"? I sure do. But yeah here is also a report on how an PLA officer and five soldiers under his command stayed out doors for the whole night under -15 degrees Celsius temperature during a high altitude military exercise.

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Lieutenant General
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Worthless analysis because the author puts dogma ahead of facts.

It wasn’t ‘Chinese aggression’ that triggered the Doklam or Ladakh stand-offs and clashes. Nor did China ‘seize vast tracks of territory’ after 62.

As the most basic rule of any sort of analysis dictates, trash in equals trash out.

By starting off with dogmatic lies that demands China always be cast as the aggressor, rather than going with cold hard facts, all these analysis achieve are perpetuating dogmatic stereotyping of China while providing policy suggestions that are at best useless and more likely entirely counter productive. A cynic might think that is precisely the point - to trick Indian leaders into deepening their dispute with China.


T-90 and T-72 are more than enough for Ladakh except for when they aren’t.

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Already posted that, and did an analysis of the limitations of Sprut light tanks vs ZTQ-15. The Sprut light tanks have more firepower, but look extremely thin-skinned, and it's known their frontal armor is designed to be proof against 23mm, not 30mm firepower. In other words, if the Z-10 is running its 25mm as opposed to its 23mm autocannon, the Sprut light tank is toast not only to HJ-10 missiles but also to gun fire.

The vehicle due to its thin armor is not capable of running the same roles as the ZTQ-15; it's very mobile, true, but once it arrives it has to be dug in to present survivability.


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They were ready for strike? Like the people in ammo factory doing strike now?

They thing is if you keep on making those self aggrandizing threats frequently then no one will take you seriously. It’s like how North Korea often boasts that they’ll wipe Seoul or Tokyo off the map. After a while people just treat them as barks.
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