Ignoring your technically incorrect accusation of being strawman-ed, I think you are confusing yourself. You originally said the Type 15 should benefit from having the 1500hp engine and it is also you who said weight is of greatest importance to the Type 15, yet curiously also insist on increasing its weight. P/W is much better than other MBTs by my definition. If an average MBT has P/W roughly around 23hp/T, Type 15's of 30hp/T absolutely smashes the average tank. I don't know what your definition of "much better" is but for me that's nearly a 30% advantage and I'd call that much better.
As for carrying armour, Type 15 is 33T nominally like the Type 99A is 58T and M1A2 is 72T. Type 15 with additional armour is 36T. That's as good info as we've got on it and your pure assumptions are worthless rubbish. If you want to assume Type 15 is 39T or whatever, it is up to you to prove this first before making further judgements.
What's the bleeding point of stuffing a 1500hp engine into a Type 15 indeed! You suggested it you muppet! LOL I've seen braindead bhakts behave and converse with more cognitive acuity than this garbage. I don't mean to offend you if you are dealing with any medical issues though. It's truly been a strange exchange of posts with you contradicting yourself more often than usual and making grand cases based on totally wild assumptions.
The points been made clearly enough and you've been corrected thoroughly. I won't take this further off-topic and will ignore your future posts on super duper heavy Type 15 related content.
My point is that it's 39 IMPERIAL tons, not metric tons. It's confusing since PW figures are usually given in IMPERIAL power over METRIC tonnes, which confuses the crap out of everyone.
Fact of the matter is, the ZTQ-15 doesn't have that much of a P/W advantage over other tanks. When loaded, it's comparable to both ZTZ-99 as well as Type 10 without armor.
The talk about stuffing the ZTQ-15 with a heavier engine was a matter of hypotheticals, I've stated that pure power isn't that exploitable for a tank given the significant time needed to flank an opponent.
Come to think of it, actually, the Type 10 on minimal load-out has the exact same P/W as the ZTQ-15 on zero load (1200 hp / 40 metric tons). It seems if the Indians want to pay out the nose again (and the Indians do love to do that), they should just import Type 10s to counter ZTQ-15. The weight on minimal load-out (40 tons) is going to be heavier than the ZTQ-15 on minimal load-out as well as heavier load-outs, but the Type 10 is a true MBT which can be uparmored for MBT vs MBT fights and has a 120mm gun that can successfully contest ZTZ-99s.