Ladakh Flash Point

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Understand the whole of south of
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area explained lucidly where Indian & Chinese armies are eye ball to eye ball (forwarded map)

Cute tank graphics... not exactly NATO symbology, but here's the real problem: So far, on this thread alone, I've seen 3 different maps of this sector, released by Indian sources, all of which contradict each other. What is the source of this new map now? Is there any 3rd party confirmation that this is the situation on the ground? Or has it been verified by both involved parties?

Months ago, this thread was flooded by satellite imagery posted by Indians claiming they didn't lose any territory. All of that was debunked. I'm not buying any random map posted until it's verified.


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Cute tank graphics... not exactly NATO symbology, but here's the real problem: So far, on this thread alone, I've seen 3 different maps of this sector, released by Indian sources, all of which contradict each other. What is the source of this new map now? Is there any 3rd party confirmation that this is the situation on the ground? Or has it been verified by both involved parties?

Months ago, this thread was flooded by satellite imagery posted by Indians claiming they didn't lose any territory. All of that was debunked. I'm not buying any random map posted until it's verified.
Apparently black and Helmet Top is controlled by PLA after shooting those 2 Tibetans.


Wrong. LAC is based on perceptions, that is what India perceives to be areas under its control is Indian LAC and areas China perceives to be under its control is Chinese LAC. Note by control it also means areas upto which patrols are sent.
LAC means actual control. It's not the LPC. China gained over 1,000km to their LAC and there's nothing perceptual about it; Indians can't go there anymore without being shot/beaten. That's actual.

In either case, you've got no evidence to show that this was actually in China's LAC and the Indians themselves claim that it's not. Every time India attempts an actual operation against China, more Indians die (often by fratricide) and they abandon whatever point it is to China. So now, to assuage public insecurity and sadness in India, they had troops walk to a vacant lot that India said is on their LAC anyway, and call that capturing territory. Nobody screamed as he fell down the mountain hiking so that's a "stealth operation" victory LOL. It's as pathetic as it gets.


Registered Member
First of all, it's great that Indians on this forum are finally openly equating themselves to Nazis

Wow. I never thought I lice to this day that I actually hear someone of colour that's actually proud they have special forces akin to the Waffen SS.

Mr @Mohican Master must be really ignorant of the deeds of Waffen SS or out right racist to dare to compare Waffen SS with its country's armed forces.


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Wow. I never thought I lice to this day that I actually hear someone of colour that's actually proud they have special forces akin to the Waffen SS.

Mr @Mohican Master must be really ignorant of the deeds of Waffen SS or out right racist to dare to compare Waffen SS with its country's armed forces.

Indian political discourse has been lurching to the hard right for years. The BJPs extremist Hindu nationalist rhetoric made the elimination of autonomy in Kashmir possible, and led directly to this sorry incident. Thankfully cooler heads prevailed, but it's a dangerous situation and the BJP need to get a grip on their extremist fringe.


Junior Member
Indians here are openly equating their army to the Nazi "Waffen-SS"... And you're still wondering why they are so hostile? Really? lolz
Unlike Germans, Indians and Iranians are actually Aryans, so it's not much of a leap for many Indians who have a Caste-like mentality to wholeheartedly embraced with the whole Nazi Aryan project which places themselves as top of the hierarchy.

Some history, the whole Aryan Übermensch traces back to Linguistics when it was identified that Proto-European language shared a common lineage back to India from the Aryan peoples. This created a theory that these 'Aryan' peoples were a master race that brought culture and civilization to the world. That belief is why the Nazis adopted Indian symbolism like the swastika and even sent expeditions to Tibet to meet the Dalai Llama believing them to be Aryan brothers who were mongrels but Aryans nonetheless. Here's a
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by a populare Linguist (some bloke who created a fictional world about midgets and a ring to complement his true interest in creating the language Elvish) who mocks Nazis notions of being Aryan themselves.
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