Ladakh Flash Point

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It's funny because the Chinese are often compared to the Jews, and we now have Indians wanting to commit a Rape of Nanking atrocity as well as comparing themselves to the Waffen-SS. Are we going to complete the analogy with Indians wanting to dump Chinese into labor camps with gas chambers attached?


I am trying REALLY REALLY hard to like India, Indian civilization, and Indians. Why do you have to make it so hard?
Why are you trying to like Indians at all? I don't try to like anybody; I either like them or I don't.

The weaker and more repressed someone is, the crazier their fantasies get. Countries like the US, China, Russia, even France, UK, Germany say things like they want a peaceful resolution but will resort to force if pushed. They always say at least that they will do their very best to avoid civilian casualties and suffering (even though the US fails to practice this). Countries that feel repressed, weak and helpless like North Korea say things like they want to bathe their enemies in a sea of fire. India just keeps getting embarrassed with a string of defeats by a China that is really holding back and trying to calm India down, making India look ever so much weaker so in its helplessness, Indians are fantasizing about committing war crimes and atrocities onto a China that they have no chance of matching. They want to be like the SS because the SS was known for their elite discipline and ruthless effectiveness making then feared all throughout Europe. Indians hopelessly dream that their bungling Indian army known for fratricide, retreat, and territorial loss could become elite and feared (or even somewhat competent) so in their desperation, they took the most extreme example of the SS Waffen into their fantasies.
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I am trying REALLY REALLY hard to like India, Indian civilization, and Indians.

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The weaker and more repressed someone is, the crazier their fantasies get. Countries like the US, China, Russia, even France, UK, Germany say things like they want a peaceful resolution but will resort to force if pushed. Countries that feel repressed, weak and helpless like North Korea say things like they want to bathe their enemies in a sea of fire. India just keeps getting embarrassed with a string of small defeats because of China's reserved nature so in its helplessness, its people are fantasizing about committing war crimes and atrocities onto the nation that they have no chance of matching. They want to be like the SS because the discipline and eliteness of the SS as well as the fear that they invoked are what Indians aspire to but find so lacking in themselves.

India's situation resembles China's many years back. I regard there being four great civilizations on the Eurasian supercontinent, that of the Christian West, the Islamic World, the civilization of India, and China. Everything else is an offshoot. I can get very disgusted when trying to study India, but I still try to believe.

I have quite a few Indian acquaintances that I haven't alienated yet and I believe they deserve better. There's a considerable group of well-educated and Westernized Indians and they shouldn't be made to suffer because traditional India is a shithole. So was China in the Late Qing and RoC periods.


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Please don't use the words "indian" and "facts" in the same sentence.

As for the actual 'facts', the term "market size" = Users x Revenue.

Here's the report on India's actual market size: "India’s 90% growth is bettered only by China, but the level of revenue being generated is so low as to barely register on the scale of this graph."

Mobile game revenue growth in selected markets, 2016-2018

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Neither I am comparing chinese and indian market here nor i said chinese market is small and ours is big.

Mohican Master

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LAC means actual control. It's not the LPC. China gained over 1,000km to their LAC and there's nothing perceptual about it; Indians can't go there anymore without being shot/beaten. That's actual.

In either case, you've got no evidence to show that this was actually in China's LAC and the Indians themselves claim that it's not. Every time India attempts an actual operation against China, more Indians die (often by fratricide) and they abandon whatever point it is to China. So now, to assuage public insecurity and sadness in India, they had troops walk to a vacant lot that India said is on their LAC anyway, and call that capturing territory. Nobody screamed as he fell down the mountain hiking so that's a "stealth operation" victory LOL. It's as pathetic as it gets.
Wrong as usual.
All the so called areas that China has captured as per Indian media lie on the Chinese side of LAC as the LAC I am talking about is that one that is marked as LaC on Google Earth Global


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Neither I am comparing chinese and indian market here nor i said chinese market is small and ours is big.

No, first is you said:

" I am not sure how can one make blank statements like a country of 1.30 billion india is too small a market. MOre so when india topped the list of world wide downloads. "

And when I showed you that India is indeed a small market, by the definition of the term, instead of admitting you were wrong, you try and wiggle your way out of it with some random nonsense....


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No, first is you said:

" I am not sure how can one make blank statements like a country of 1.30 billion india is too small a market. MOre so when india topped the list of world wide downloads. "

And when I showed you that India is indeed a small market, by the definition of the term, instead of admitting you were wrong, you try and wiggle your way out of it with some random nonsense....

watch your words .

I said market of 1,3 billion people is not small.. is that wrong. fact is Pubg extracted max revenue out of indian market and that's gone forever now . If the revenue of the app itself is 3 billion, how does it matter in the end wrt to your words. you conveniently forget that it's parent lost 14 billion in a day due to ban.


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watch your words .

I said market of 1,3 billion people is not small.. is that wrong. fact is Pubg extracted max revenue out of indian market and that's gone forever now . If the revenue of the app itself is 3 billion, how does it matter in the end wrt to your words. you conveniently forget that it's parent lost 14 billion in a day due to ban.

What ? Lost 14b in a day due to ban ? Source ?
1.3b is total population, how many gamers among which are able to afford spending money to roll those box in pubg ? Max population is useless if most dont spend money, gamemakers are only interested to target the paying audiences.

What is "extract max revenue"?


Wrong as usual.
All the so called areas that China has captured as per Indian media lie on the Chinese side of LAC as the LAC I am talking about is that one that is marked as LaC on Google Earth Global
First of all, you'll need to provide evidence and labelled pictures to make the claim. I don't know what Google uses to mark an LAC, but the definition of the word actual means that whomever controls it that's where the line is. Google can update and reroute you around a traffic accident that happened 15 minutes ago; they can draw the LAC as China carves territory out of you LOL But go on a provide the labelled pictures so we can see what you're talking about cus all I hear is Indians bellyaching about losing territory.

I'm trying to read news and it's quite difficult because all the Indian media is full of incompetence and lies that contradict each other constantly floundering between, "We were so awesome and outdid the Chinese" to "but they actually killed lots of our guys and took our territory though". This is what I got:
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China Fortifies Troops on Undefined Border, Controls 1,000 Km of Indian Territory in Ladakh - Report

And then when I read that Indian Bloomberg paper, it just contradicts itself to the point where it's like playing "2 truths and a lie" as you read. All that's clear is that Indian soldiers were marched onto an empty lot of land which they claim is in India's LAC and they called that a successful capture operation. And then you started touting how these soldiers were like the SS Waffen... yeah right man, if the SS Waffen just walked around Germany standing on empty plots of land, they'd be like the SS LOL. You could have sent girl scouts, street vendors, anybody to do the same thing. But when there's fighting, Indians either get captured, run away, cause their own deaths while running away, get killed, or accidentally kill other Indians. The SS would object in their graves to being compared to such a bungling "force."
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watch your words .

I said market of 1,3 billion people is not small.. is that wrong. fact is Pubg extracted max revenue out of indian market and that's gone forever now . If the revenue of the app itself is 3 billion, how does it matter in the end wrt to your words. you conveniently forget that it's parent lost 14 billion in a day due to ban.

No, YOU watch YOUR words.

I literally gave you the formula that determines the size of a market.

What part of that equation confused you? The "=" sign and the "x" operator? Or the words "revenue" and "users" ?

And according to that formula, your Indian 'market' is so small that it barely shows up on the graph.

And don't even talk about stock prices and their relevance, that is way too advanced for you. Learn basic arithmetic first.
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