Ladakh Flash Point

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Junior Member
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PLA should put autonomous/ remote controlled weapons systems at the borders. This could be used as warning system to intruders and same time will mark as defacto boundary. With the current technology, it should not be too hard to develop something like that. Those Indian soldiers will find it hard to negotiate a robot machine gun with a missile launcher. This should be the modern form of Great Wall - fixed robot soldiers

In this way it should be cheaper to secure the borders too than sending soldiers over the mountains. This could also revolutionize to use autonomous/remote controlled weapons in land combat.


Banned Idiot
Registered Member
Can someone tell how many Chinese Soilders died in the Galwan Clash?? There is no mention in media as well as by chinese Government. I saw that 20 Indian Soilders are killed but what is the count of chinese soilders! Its hard to believe if the Chinese govt say no casualty from Chinese side. Can someone help on this??


Banned Idiot
Registered Member
New Delhi is only 400km from the Chinese border, Chinese MLRS can cover much of the border area. Since they are on an higher elevation they may have extended range.
Can someone tell how many Chinese Soilders died in the Galwan Clash?? There is no mention in media as well as by chinese Government. I saw that 20 Indian Soilders are killed but what is the count of chinese soilders! Its hard to believe if the Chinese govt say no casualty from Chinese side. Can someone help on this??


Junior Member
Registered Member
Can someone tell how many Chinese Soilders died in the Galwan Clash?? There is no mention in media as well as by chinese Government. I saw that 20 Indian Soilders are killed but what is the count of chinese soilders! Its hard to believe if the Chinese govt say no casualty from Chinese side. Can someone help on this??
You have to read all the way from page 1, and pick your own estimate based from various reliable and secret sources.


Banned Idiot
Registered Member
Chinese sensors and cameras have been "removed"... so India is now stealing chinese cameras? Good, i hope they put them to good use, now reliant on chinese tech for software patches...

I would love to see them capture a chinese quadraped robot next, claim victory and a prisoner of war...
Can someone tell how many Chinese Soilders died in the Galwan Clash?? There is no mention in media as well as by chinese Government. I saw that 20 Indian Soilders are killed but what is the count of chinese soilders! Its hard to believe if the Chinese govt say no casualty from Chinese side. Can someone help on this??


Banned Idiot
Registered Member
You have to read all the way from page 1, and pick your own estimate based from various reliable and secret sources.
Why brother? Is the china government afraid to reveal the casualty in Galwan? if there is no casualty then china government can easily say in media!! what the government is hiding? Do you feel something fishy? Soilders need the final respect...isnt it?

Kunal Biswas

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India captures around 10-15 vantage points and secured the buffer area of the LAC : Sources | NewsX


Lots of things are happening in last 24hrs..


Banned Idiot
Registered Member
Good spot, but this was already proven as a PS job a while back.
Can someone tell how many Chinese Soilders died in the Galwan Clash?? There is no mention in media as well as by chinese Government. I saw that 20 Indian Soilders are killed but what is the count of chinese soilders! Its hard to believe if the Chinese govt say no casualty from Chinese side. Can someone help on this??


Lieutenant General
IMO the Indians aren't as hopeless as people here believe, but that's only because the PLA is screwing up. If the InAF wants to do it, they can launch a massive alpha strike on all PLA airbases near the border using their long-ranged missiles. Then, with air defense crippled in the short-term, they can bomb PLA positions while advancing ground troops.

The PLA is stuck with two uncomfortable options:

#1, it can shoot down Su-30MKIs as they come in for the strike run, but the Su-30MKIs would come down over Indian airspace. Global opinion would be quite negative to China.

#2, it can take the damage.

The PLA is only stuck in this position for the following reasons:

#1, the PLA isn't fielding sufficient air defenses in the region to block the InAF. A sufficient volume of HQ-9s and similar SAM systems with anti-missile capability can stop Indian cruise missiles in their tracks.

#2, the PLA is moving too many assets too close to the border. Hotan airbase is an example; Hotan is within strike range of the Su-30MKI / Brahmos-A aircraft missile combo without Su-30MKIs having to violate Chinese airspace. Yet, for whatever reason, the PLAAF moved two J-20s in. The J-20s might be untouchable (or nearly so) by the InAF's assets in the air, but once they're on the ground they're sitting ducks for Indian munitions. Remember, a Fw 190 from WW2 can destroy an F-22--all it needs is that the F-22 is on the ground and the Fw 190 is in the air.

A serious PLA attempt to engage the InAF would either be a full air defense, with hundreds of anti-cruise missile systems at each air base, or a second-strike capability, wherein the Chinese forces assigned to the border function as bait, while a more substantial force sits to their rear, ready to reinforce and punish the InA / InAF if they try something.
Also, for the recent flare-up in violence, note that India just reported that its GDP dropped 24% y/y in the April-June quarter.

Modi apparently has a habit of wagging the dog with some kind of military distraction every time a politically sensitive date comes up and he's looking bad.


The problem from my point of view is the shoddiness of PLA air defenses; these could be significantly upgraded with layers of anti-cruise missile equipment, or that the PLA could sacrifice the frontline assets (but I remind you, Lhasa is very close to the Indian border), but it's creating a temptation for Modi to wag the dog with an alpha strike against the PLA. Moreover, a Chinese victory helps support the "China Threat" thesis for certain American politicians, so for the next two months, China sort of has its hands tied. A major Indian strike after November, however, is much more recoverable for China and can potentially lead to the Indians forcing Modi out.

Did someone forget to take their anti-anxiety meds this morning?

Firstly, what is your source for these repeated claims that the PLA hasn’t got defence air defences up in the west? I’m sure the CIA and Indian intelligence would love to have your all seeing eye. :rolleyes:

Air defences are organic to most PLA standard large formations, and we have pictures of literal train loads of SAMs heading west during the PLA large scale deployments in June. And we have seen pictures and video of PLA SAM units doing live fire exercises in ‘high altitude areas’ which is Chinese code for Tibet. And that’s just what China chose to show.

You have also drank deep of the Indian koolaid if you seriously think the PLA needs ‘hundreds of anti cruise missiles systems at each air base’ to counter Brahmos. Seriously, would there even be space to park planes if you have hundreds of air defence systems deployed at each airbase?! That’s more air defences at each air base than 99% of countries would have for their entire countries. :rolleyes:

Talk of Indian alpha strike is also massively overblown.

Those MKIs are not going to magic themselves to the boarder instantly. Even back in the late 80s and early 90s, radar technology was able to identify specific fighter types based on their turbine blade signatures. Modern ASEA radar would absolutely be able to tell if a plane was carrying munitions as large as Brahmos compared to clean peacetime configurations.

You think PLA units will just dozily sit back in their bases while AWACs and other early warning radars picks up massed, armed IAF fighter waves inbound?

All those PLAAF fighters would be scrambled long before the MKIs are in firing range of their airfields, and may even be able to intercept the MKIs before they can launch their Brahmos.


Banned Idiot
Registered Member
Good spot, but this was already proven as a PS job a while back.
You seem to be with lot of details! Can you tell me how many chinese soilders died in Galwan? Did China government officially said any thing? If there is no casualty also, did the chinese govt said to media? Iam not getting answer from anyone. Can you help brother?
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