Ladakh Flash Point

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China is still hoping the Indians to be more rational, but will not budge an inch.

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Neither China nor India is willing to keep their relations at the cost of losing territory. But the same disputes have been there for decades, and they shouldn't have been allowed to resurface. Chinese public opinion hasn't focused on the China-India border issues, but India has always been fanatical. One will suspect that India is misguided.

China is an immovable neighbor and much stronger than India. The two countries are suitable to be partners in seeking common development. But if New Delhi wants to label Beijing its long-term strategic rival, it needs to be prepared to pay a huge cost. In the meantime, it will never manage to get one more inch of land at China-India border areas.


Registered Member
Considering that the India economy has contracted 23.9% (which is up there with the UK and USA), this guy isn't a really considering the full picture and there insistence on calling this the China virus and trying to stir up a fight isn't going to help in the long run if the virus continues to run rampant and starvation truly kicks in given how badly the wealthy in India treat the poor. Heck, with the amount of unemployed at this time given the contraction, either the poor go mad and revolt or they simply die in such large numbers that there population could literally be halved since none of the policies that government is using is actually going to help the population in the long run. They don't even have the USA food bank as a crutch in the event of a massive starvation and even that is going to be taxed to the limit as that would mean feeding 50 million people a week.

There have been bad news in China on the CGTN and New China TV but it is mostly balanced by positive news while the news in the USA is almost 90% bad. Also to note is that China at least tries to end most news on a slightly more constructive and positive note while the US news almost almost always makes me feel unpleasant (if I was American but since I am not, I don't really mind)


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Considering that the India economy has contracted 23.9% (which is up there with the UK and USA), this guy isn't a really considering the full picture and there insistence on calling this the China virus and trying to stir up a fight isn't going to help in the long run if the virus continues to run rampant and starvation truly kicks in given how badly the wealthy in India treat the poor. Heck, with the amount of unemployed at this time given the contraction, either the poor go mad and revolt or they simply die in such large numbers that there population could literally be halved since none of the policies that government is using is actually going to help the population in the long run. They don't even have the USA food bank as a crutch in the event of a massive starvation and even that is going to be taxed to the limit as that would mean feeding 50 million people a week.

There have been bad news in China on the CGTN and New China TV but it is mostly balanced by positive news while the news in the USA is almost 90% bad. Also to note is that China at least tries to end most news on a slightly more constructive and positive note while the US news almost almost always makes me feel unpleasant (if I was American but since I am not, I don't really mind)

The contraction in India is way way worse than that of the U.S. This link explains why nicely.

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I think the conundrum is that using border clash as a distraction doesn’t really work. Sure, you can hide the issue from the news headlines, but people are still going to lost their jobs and get sick from COVID. It’s kind of like Argentina with the Falkland War. What would happen even if it wins? You can only use war as a distraction if you can actually gain from it (like capturing resources or getting indemnity). With this border clash India is pretty much like the dog chasing after the mailman’s truck — what can it do with the bus even if it could catch it?


Lieutenant General
Maybe getting China to wipe out half their population so they don’t have so many mouths to feed is the plan all along? :p

Joking aside, I think it’s pointless trying to attribute intelligence and strategy where there is evidently none.

Modi tried to probe China for weakness in June, hoping that if China was as hobbled by Covid as the Americans would have you believe, that it was a historic opportunity for India to kick China while it is down and grab some land.

Since the dead colonel blew the whole situation up with his hotheaded Darwinism, the dispute has taken on a life of its own that Modi is struggling to put to bed without obliterating his carefully crafted tough man image.

If this latest flare up involved exiled Tibetans as initially reported, it could be yet another case of a total collapse of discipline within the Indian military where you have a few low level officers or even just soldiers going rouge and having that tiny tail wage the big Indian dog about.

It is entirely possible that the Indians thought they would get troops with a bit more fight in them if they specifically targeted ethnic Tibetans for recruitment into the military mountain units, and thought the more rabidly anti-China they were the better. But exile Tibetan radicals raised on extreme hatred of all things Chinese went berserk as soon as they got to the ‘front’ and encountered their first actual Chinese PLA soldier, triggering a mass brawl and the Chinese responded by taking strategic hilltop locations to punish the Indians and also give themselves the high ground advantage should the Indians try any more BS.


Registered Member
India is a very formidable adversary. The fact that they have a backyard advantage only reinforces this.

It Needs to be known what exactly does India target out of this. It's economy, military readiness, Geopolitical situation etc dictates that it cannot demand arduous endeavors.

Realistically, what does an acceptable solution look like from an Indian perspective. That's the question.


Registered Member
India is a very formidable adversary. The fact that they have a backyard advantage only reinforces this.

It Needs to be known what exactly does India target out of this. It's economy, military readiness, Geopolitical situation etc dictates that it cannot demand arduous endeavors.

Realistically, what does an acceptable solution look like from an Indian perspective. That's the question.

I think they're waiting for US patronage of some sort.

With or without direct US support, India will use a US-China conflict to gain concessions in the Himalayas.

If US directly supports India, India will occupy Chinese on land and in the sea.

Hell, Russia might try to get a piece of Xinjiang.


Registered Member
I think they're waiting for US patronage of some sort.

With or without direct US support, India will use a US-China conflict to gain concessions in the Himalayas.

If US directly supports India, India will occupy Chinese on land and in the sea.

Hell, Russia might try to get a piece of Xinjiang.
If they tried to do that, they may have to accept the possibility of getting nuked in return. Although, whether the USA would have the money nor the man power to start a full scale fight (like that of Iraq and Libya) when they have an election crisis right now is very much up in the air. It is almost certain that a crisis is going to hamper the US for a long period of time especially when the poor are going to riot like never before and the pandemic is far from over and if India tries to fight China by itself when they have so many issues that Modi isn't trying to handle right now, they will clearly lose. If India tries to fight China, then Pakistan and Iran might just try to free Kashmir by force and even take parts of India while India is distracted. Admittedly China would have far more problems if the US economy and national moral is at the same level as that of 9/11 and having world wide support, but given the current situation that India and the USA are in economically and health wise, it is less of a well planned conflict and more of a desperate ploy to distract the masses from all the problems that are about to explode in there collective faces.


Junior Member
China would be at a disadvantage if they continue to fight using fists and sticks due to vast numerical superiority from the Indian side. And since June incident, Indian had beef up their size at the border. It will not be easy for pla to repeat that feat.

Things will be different if firearms and conventional weapons are ultilized cause that will no longer be a number game.
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