Ladakh Flash Point

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It’s noteworthy that none of the major western MSM news outlets have reported on this other than to note a clash.

If it’s as serious as the Indians are making it sound, western MSM would be shit hot on picking it up. Their continued muted response on the matter makes me think this is just the Indians making a mountain out of a mole hill. Similarly, the Chinese government has not made any out of the ordinary official statements (other than the standard boiler plate condemnation of Indian provocation) that I am aware of.

The Indians are probably just up to their usual old tricks of seizing on any tiny ‘advantage’, and made a meaningless advance. The PLA noted their silly meaningless move and retaliated by taking (far more strategically critical) territory elsewhere.

That’s basically the standard PLA tactical level response to Indian transgressions.

Without shots fired, lives lost or significant large scale reinforcements from either side, this doesn’t look to be anything that far out of the new ‘ordinary’ in the boarder region.
Western public aren't bothered about India. It won't sell.
So unlikely they are going to make a breaking out of it.


Registered Member
Russia wants US and China to struggle, not the world to gang up on China. The goal of every non-superpower is to have the superpowers struggle against each other. This way they can feel safe.


Senior Member
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It’s noteworthy that none of the major western MSM news outlets have reported on this other than to note a clash.

If it’s as serious as the Indians are making it sound, western MSM would be shit hot on picking it up. Their continued muted response on the matter makes me think this is just the Indians making a mountain out of a mole hill. Similarly, the Chinese government has not made any out of the ordinary official statements (other than the standard boiler plate condemnation of Indian provocation) that I am aware of.

The Indians are probably just up to their usual old tricks of seizing on any tiny ‘advantage’, and made a meaningless advance. The PLA noted their silly meaningless move and retaliated by taking (far more strategically critical) territory elsewhere.

That’s basically the standard PLA tactical level response to Indian transgressions.

Without shots fired, lives lost or significant large scale reinforcements from either side, this doesn’t look to be anything that far out of the new ‘ordinary’ in the boarder region.

Now is the perfect time for china to humiliate india further. China should offer India 50 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines with no pre-conditions, i.e. not attached to any actions between china and india on the border. Modi will have no choice but to decline, he can then bullshit all he wants to his domestic audience about how chinese vaccines are not reliable and india superpower 2020, 2030 or whatever the shit they believe. Maybe give a chance for congress and indian muslims to make some noises too.


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Now is the perfect time for china to humiliate india further. China should offer India 50 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines with no pre-conditions, i.e. not attached to any actions between china and india on the border. Modi will have no choice but to decline, he can then bullshit all he wants to his domestic audience about how chinese vaccines are not reliable and india superpower 2020, 2030 or whatever the shit they believe. Maybe give a chance for congress and indian muslims to make some noises too.
I would say don't. Let the population be halved. :/


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COVID wont halve their population, nor would anything else. BTW, take a look at the COVID wikipedia page for india, would make north korean propagandists blush.
Whatever the number that is less is plus, lol.

And we know what Indian propaganda looks like . We dealt with it in Bangla style.
Now you will barely find an Indian dare to engage us in internet ;)


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LOL at the very absolute best outcome (so far!) for Indians, they have managed to take a tiny portion of Reqin while they have in the past always patrolled those points up to their claims lines. So even going by 2019 standards for example, they have only regained a tiny parcel which they always supposedly held in the past anyway. Meanwhile PLA holds Galwan and Pangong. Even this supposed intrusion in Reqin is true, it may not be long lived since PLA may still act if they see a point in regaining Reqin.

Indians probably want to hold it as bargaining against Pangong and Galwan PLA held lands. The problem is those northern bits are likely to be far more important to China since that's where there are more PLA presence. It still remains to be seen whether the CCP will do anything about Reqin.

Man these Indians buy a used beaten up Mercedes and then go off as if they're the next Jeff Bezos lol. They took a small stretch in the southern part of land they used to patrol and are dreaming about taking Tibet. Bhakts truly aim very low it seems.

Of course the CCP must act to expel Indian forces in Reqin. Meaningless as that strip of land is, it would set a dangerous precedent for them (and any other nation with territorial disputes with PRC) if they are allowed to keep it. Not one inch must be given to them, otherwise tomorrow they will take ten inches, then a hundred inches on the next...


Lieutenant General
Western public aren't bothered about India. It won't sell.
So unlikely they are going to make a breaking out of it.

They don’t care about India, but any news that paint China in a bad light or portrays China as threatening/dangerous is like catnip to western, especially American, MSM editors.

Would they be wasting their time with AstroTurf non-stories about Mongolian languages in Inner Mongolia if there was a real prospect of a shooting war better India and China?


Registered Member
There is likely an information blackout right now. Nothing seems to have rolled within the past 6 hours. 3 more hours and we'll have a stream of new happenings.
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