Ladakh Flash Point

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In another tweet:

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: Reports of intrusion attempts by PLA in
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are not true. The
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activities were routine peacetime activities on their side of the
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and the same cannot be inferred as an intrusion attempt.


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South of finger 4 to be accurate, the land is in no-mans land ( buffer zone )..
So India effectively accepting the fact that China is in control of the buffer territory & they "intruded" into Chinese controlled territory. Got to say that's a very brave act.

Another thing that has caught my eyes, the "clash point" showed in the map of the video is within Indian territory, please be noted that it is not said "perceptive territory of india". But India's army said they "pre-empted " PLA "aggressive " movement.

Is the clash point showed in the video wrong?


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So India effectively accepting the fact that China is in control of the buffer territory & they "intruded" into Chinese controlled territory. Got to say that's a very brave act.

Another thing that has caught my eyes, the "clash point" showed in the map of the video is within Indian territory, please be noted that it is not said "perceptive territory of india". But India's army said they "pre-empted " PLA "aggressive " movement.

Is the clash point showed in the video wrong?
It is more likely to be old than wrong.


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China is busy encouraging Russia to smash more American military vehicles in Syria while Russian themselves are having field day in coast of Alaska & over Baltic sea.
The video Pentagon released of SU27 breathing over American bomber was quite amazing.
We have to see geopolitics as it is.
Russia acts independently of China. China does too.

USM is not going to feel anything if some of its Oshkoshs got destroyed. Nothing. At. All.


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Now even CGTN is publishing an article that is quite hard on India.

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Usually most of the Chinese English-language media anger is directed at the USA, Australia, UK, and Taiwan. India was always spared the worse of the scoldings and insults until recently. Seems like India's recent adventures at Ladakh and the SCS is finally thinning out China's vast patience.

I really do hope that China does take India as a threat far more seriously than before. The good old days of business as usual is no longer coming back. Indian hate against China is so rampant, that it could justify war at anytime, no matter the balance power. This hate is not going anytime soon, no matter how generous China treats India. Just give India the Cold War it wants so badly.
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Lieutenant General
It’s noteworthy that none of the major western MSM news outlets have reported on this other than to note a clash.

If it’s as serious as the Indians are making it sound, western MSM would be shit hot on picking it up. Their continued muted response on the matter makes me think this is just the Indians making a mountain out of a mole hill. Similarly, the Chinese government has not made any out of the ordinary official statements (other than the standard boiler plate condemnation of Indian provocation) that I am aware of.

The Indians are probably just up to their usual old tricks of seizing on any tiny ‘advantage’, and made a meaningless advance. The PLA noted their silly meaningless move and retaliated by taking (far more strategically critical) territory elsewhere.

That’s basically the standard PLA tactical level response to Indian transgressions.

Without shots fired, lives lost or significant large scale reinforcements from either side, this doesn’t look to be anything that far out of the new ‘ordinary’ in the boarder region.


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We have to see geopolitics as it is.
Russia acts independently of China. China does too.
Oh I don't believe they are going to form a military band against the trouble maker. My sentence was more of metaphorical. This is classic of 2 party using each other's strengths to their advantage against a common struggle without getting into a bandwagon.

You can compare it to on going situation in ladakh. Did China start it to help their ally in far west? Of course not. But see where S400 was supposed to go & where it is reaching now.

Come on, don't tell me people in Beijing after watching bombers flying over EU aren't saying in their mind "yaa, nice. Keep doing that, dont come over here in SCS".

Life works in weird mysterious way :D
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