Ladakh Flash Point

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Don’t ever underestimate your adversary. The Rafael will be equipped with the Meteor, and Hammer.

Yes. The Rafael with its radar and the meteor missile is a major upgrade. No doubt about that. We can’t underestimate the range and accuracy of that middle once Indian amass sufficient quantities of it.

India is going to receive some Meteors and can scarcely afford to have 36 Rafales armed with Meteors as it already is! It's not about underestimating, it's being realistic. Amassing Rafales and Meteors is never going to happen because IAF simply cannot afford this like the average Indian couldn't afford a brand new Mercedes. They're spending well above their means with 36 supported Rafales already and the MKI upgrade is already taking delay after delay as an expense of Rafale induction. The rest of their airforce is in desperate need of upgrades and costly foreign dependent maintenance and parts.

While India is receiving Meteors and Rafales, China's had PL-15 for about half a decade already and has PL-15 on J-10C, J-11B, J-16, and J-20. PLAAF also has had long range A2A missiles like the PL-21 or whatever the thin, long ballistic one is designated as, and will probably soon be fielding PL-xx ramjet powered missile/s if they haven't already.

Indian fanboys underestimate China more than anyone else. Indian military outwardly shows confidence but scurries around hiding their deficiencies between surrendering and not fighting. Indian government knows what China's capable of. Does the CCP underestimate India? Who knows. Am I? I don't think so. In fact we often give India way too much credit. The genuinely deluded ones are the morons thinking 5 Rafales are going to make an iota of difference to any IAF vs PLAAF outcome. PLAAF is geared towards fighting around 50 F-22s (or whatever the number is on the Asian hemisphere) and hundreds of F-35s supported by F-15s, F-18s, F-16s, AWACs, AEWC, and more sophisticated EW platforms India can currently dream of. 5 Rafales with unlimited Meteors doesn't weigh much against that sort of force.
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Junior Member
The Rafales are not a threat by itself. the Meteor missile that comes with it is the bigger problem.

Remember Pakistan was able to shoot down an Indian Mig and directly threaten Indian Su-30s because it was equipped with the longer range AMRAAM. The Meteor evens the odds, and will likely be a serious threat to most 4th gen jets.
Likewise the JF-17 Block 3 , J-16 and J-10C can be arm with the PL-15, making it a real threat to the Rafale.


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Don’t ever underestimate your adversary. The Rafael will be equipped with the Meteor, and Hammer.

Yes. The Rafael with its radar and the meteor missile is a major upgrade. No doubt about that. We can’t underestimate the range and accuracy of that middle
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They are quoting the article from Sohu, which quotes an Indian article. This is basically a Matryoshka doll of a story (which is oddly appropriate considering that Russia is involved).


Registered Member
Indians, the professional purveyors of fake news and general facepalm.

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Check out the titles and content. The Frustrated Indian indeed :D

Why on earth are these Indians so lowly? "Brace yourself China"... "Russia is my bff and not your's China" "Russia supports India Jai Hind!"

It's one idiot backed by BJP's retarded crew of online trolls but also spreading the S-400 fake news. Have some shame Indians.


Registered Member
This is hilarious. I didn't notice this video when I watched and posted the other Chinese helmet test video which was trolled by hordes of Ganges bathing Jai Hinds.

This video shows the Indian helmet failing to stop the Magnum round which the Chinese, Russia, and American helmets could stop!

So basically Chinese helmet stops 50 cal magnum from desert eagle, designed to punch through engine blocks for the Israeli defence force. Indian helmet fails at this test :p

Watch how the Indians make nonsensical excuses that don't hold up. Apparently this video got banned in India according to the youtube channel and its makers. Look at how lowly rated this vid is as well compared to the Chinese and Russian/American test. The Indians are a lowly, lying, sensitive bunch who go around slandering others. FYI the Chinese helmet passed every round up to the large bore with the dedicated armour piercing round, something the Russian and American helmets also failed before reaching that round. Despite this, Indians comment like the Chinese helmet failed at the 9mm. Irony is their's failed where the Chinese passed so the butthurt jai hinds couldn't cope.


Registered Member
Also hilarious how sensitive Indians are with their flag. Read the comments lol.

Indians burn Chinese flag, no Chinese care, it's just a stupid symbol and we already know Indians are super jealous and angry with Chinese so enemies burning Chinese flag isn't really a surprise or something to emotionally react to. However Indians are actually unstably emotional when it comes to nationalism (more so than other's like Americans Chinese etc), I mean it's the only thing distracting them from their problems. So it should be something to exploit. If any Chinese people/company really want to hurt Indians, they should commission/manufacture toilet paper with the Indian flag printed in full colour :D

That'll give the bhakt jai hinds some red faces. Honestly some small company should really do this without the consent of the state of course but there may be a decent market for it. It'll get the Indians something new to get angry about. It'll be fun while getting the Indian nationalists to implode. It also shouldn't be illegal.


Registered Member
The jai hinds are pathetic but that doesn't make their racist actions excusable, just because they're third world they get a free pass?

It shouldn't work like that. Least China can do is to ban them from travelling and working. By not clearly punishing India, China is setting a new precedent where countries think just because they're underdeveloped they can get away with all sorts of terrible policies.
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