Indians got humiliated so badly that they have to spin the number of death to save face. Neither the Indian government or the Chinese government say the actual number of deaths on the Chinese side.
Credible News media around the World:
Reuters- say 20 Indian soldiers dead clash with Chinese Troops
AP News-say 20 Indian soldiers dead clash with Chinese Troops
Forbes-say 20 Indian soldiers dead clash with Chinese Troops
NPR News-say 20 Indian soldiers dead clash with Chinese Troops
The New York Times- say 20 Indian soldiers dead clash with Chinese Troops
CNN- say 20 Indian soldiers dead clash with Chinese Troops
say 20 Indian soldiers dead clash with Chinese Troops
Vox- say 20 Indian soldiers dead clash with Chinese Troops
ABC News- say 20 Indian soldiers dead clash with Chinese Troops
Sky News- say 20 Indian soldiers dead clash with Chinese Troops
Al Jazeera- say 20 Indian soldiers dead clash with Chinese Troops