Ladakh Flash Point

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New Member
They are saying 20 Indian and 43 PLA.
The Chinese side is not releasing any numbers, perhaps not to inflame tensions which would be smart. But they did release a statement saying India violated the agreement.

To be honest, Indian source said about 43 PLA killed and serious injured together, not killed alone.

another Indian source said, that Indian losses - 20 killed, 45 captured and 135 injured


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Whenever India is ready to renounce its claims on Chinese territory, I'm sure China will be happy to resolve the border issues. This is very similar to the 1962 skirmish: nationalist Indian leader catastrophically misreads China's strength and takes his country to an ignominious defeat. Like I said in 2017, there needs to be a new 1962 so Indians are pacified for another half century.

I support taking an off-ramp now if there's one available where China gets what it wants, but I must make the caveat that any de-escalation is only leaving behind kindling for another dispute a few years down the road. I hope there isn't such an off-ramp so India can be shown its place now, as it should have in 2017.
We never claimed any Chinese territory so the point of renouncing anything doesn't arrise. In 1962 you were technologically superior and outnumbered us more than 10:1 and this time you neither have number nor technology.


Registered Member
We never claimed any Chinese territory so the point of renouncing anything doesn't arrise. In 1962 you were technologically superior and outnumbered us more than 10:1 and this time you neither have number nor technology.
You've grown up in the bubble of delusion and self-aggrandizement that is the Indian media, which is why you can type something this ridiculous with a straight face. This is why you need to relearn the lesson you were taught in 1962; this time China will make sure it sticks forever, not just 50 years. Whether it happens now or the next "standoff" a few years from now doesn't matter - you will be shown your place and never forget it.
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