America was pretty neutral in the aftermath of the Galwan clash, as was NATO as a whole. China is perceived as an enemy by the US, but India is considered a loose canon.I think India is done as any counterweight to China as Galwan clash was a spectacular military failure with long term political repercussions for India.Have you noted that AUKUS began shortly after this clash as US realizes what a liability corrupt,inept and cowardly India is and India's hope of endless US money ,military aid and open immigration has ended.Also US has noted Modi's incompetence in dealing with Covid19 crisis and now the US has moved on and India has shown her true evil heart toward China-there is no basis for any rapprochement let alone any meaningful political settlement of border issues.Also India has now initiated a cold war with China and that issue will be settled after Taiwan.
A Indian-US alliance will only happen if India agrees to a number of US demands. The main will be to adhere to full economic sanctions on Iran. India is one of the biggest importers of Iranian oil and that's a massive thorn to America. The second would be to stop imports of Russian military hardware - again India is Russia's biggest importer. They'd also want some multibillion dollar contracts for the MIC.