Sounds very rosy from chinese perspective, but it can be other way round. More Chinese soldiers died in Galwan, and CCP is scared to admit and even honor its fallen soldiers . Same story with its propaganda on admitting real Corona numbers . No country in the world trusts CCP.
If the Chinese troops did worse as you suggested, they should suffer more death, more injured and more captured than the Indians. I understand that you don’t trust the Chinese version of the story. Then the only verifiable statistics is the number of captured PLA. So have the Indians released the number of captured PLA? They’ve given out so many claims on how many PLA soldiers were killed. Why don’t they simply tell the world how many PLA they’ve captured? Show some photos of the PLA in captivity. The most convincing evidence ever. This is a much easier way to calm down their people than banning chinese apps and boycotting Chinese goods, while hurting their own economy.